Queen Mary 2 Day 4

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March 17th 2014
Published: March 17th 2014
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Sunrise from the Stateroom
Queen Mary Day 4

A quiet day today. Beautiful sunrise again and several laps of the deck, some washing, ironing, drying, talking and internet connection enabled.

Phil was sitting in the coffee lounge on Deck 7 with laptop open doing some preparatory work before uploads to Internet. Phil became an onboard celebrity. Firstly he was asked if he was the ship’s TV presenter, to which he replied, there must be two good looking blokes on board. Next a chap and his partner asked if Phil was on the Internet, to which he replied no but was getting ready. Then started a barrage of question about how to use the Internet without wasting time. Kerry and his partner Margarita were blown away and started telling people that this Phil guy was a star. Next a fellow named Gary joined in, wanting to know this and that and a few other bits. In the meantime Kerry left Phil with Margarita while he started a conversation with Wendy at the next table and she said she heard all that I had taught them and was heading back to do some work. Meanwhile Gary came back and told us

Midday from the Stateroom
what he had now found and what was supposed to be about 30 minutes was nearly two hours preparation.

While that was taking place Jennifer was in the laundry area and was chatting with people who had obviously cruised before and it appeared they were none too complimentary about some elements of the Queen Mary 2. Phil said he heard a person while he was walking say that they would never come back on board this vessel.

We both are not sure what the problem is because we think it is a marvellous vessel and are having a lovely quiet break. It is so different from driving and staying in motels, or hotels.

It was St Patrick’s Day and there was green all over the boat. An Irish theme night was held with people wearing various forms of greenery, from top hats, plastic hats, twinkling lights and even coloured hair and beards. Some people really became involved but neither of us got very involved.

All meals were lovely throughout the day and we sat with three sisters for lunch along with Annette from Melbourne and Jim and Sonya

Moonrise from the Stateroom
from Brisbane. Sonya told us of the floods in Brisbane in 2011 and how their daughter’s wedding was scheduled for that day and all the changes that were made. They could write a book. To top it off, they had neighbours who had a beautiful garden and Sonya had asked if she could have some flowers for the wedding. Unfortunately for Sonya, on the morning of the wedding, she tripped and fell and broke both her wrists. The short story is that she made it to the wedding, albeit dazed from anaesthetic and not exactly looking like mother of the bride.

The evening meal was superb again.

Goodnight to 16 March 2014.


19th March 2014

Hi Phil and Jenny, Finally been able to have some time and read your blog so far. All sounds wonderful! Hopefully neither of you have been sea sick? Love the pics so far, nothing like a sunrise over the water. Hope you have been able to find your way around without too much trouble....the meals sounds delicious...always room for three courses :) Save travels and look forward to hearing more about your trip. God bless, much love, Wendy xxoo
6th April 2014

time to reflect
Hi Wendy - thanks for comment and hope that you enjoyed "being in our bag". This was so much easier than Facebook and photos took at least ten times quicker to load, hence no much on Facebook. It was our first cruise and God Willing we hope not the last. We learnt two major things from this trip and they will be ever with us. 1) the earth needs the ocean water to maintain its existence and the spiritual side is that we need the water of the word for our existence. That was a HUGE lesson. 2) the difference between rich and poor is enormous. To see the poverty in Borneo, Shanghai and Hong Kong, kept bringing echoes of Psa 72 when the poor and needy shall be far better off than now. I suppose there was a third point and it relates to how pagan worship is alive and active but provides no hope in world which is crying out for salvation. It is good to have a holiday, but we have learned that we are a privileged people to have a very close and personal relationship with the God all of creation. Even so come, Lord Jesus.

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