San Francisco Sights, Sounds, Laser Conference (SPIE), and The JUSTINE SCONE!

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February 5th 2012
Published: February 5th 2012
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Laser ArtLaser ArtLaser Art

One of the pieces at SPIE
I was having a really busy work week last week. I was rushing some AutoCAD and was running to meetings that took long shuttle rides to get to. But Thursday made up for it when I got to go to a laser conference. It was held at Moscone Center, which is easily one of the most confusing places I've been to since there's all these wings.

However, after getting inside, I'm pretty sure the sales area surpasses all the other ones I've been to. Ok, so I'm a huge fan of free stuff. I got so much stuff from a SWE conference one year, the bag almost drowned me (it was like 3x my girth and longer than my torso). But this time, I got a few things, enough to fit into one small bag but I got such cool things! So I'm just going to give the highlight...I got a shot glass that says "BILLIONS OF SHOTS, JOIN THE CLUB." (As a fact this is referenceing diode lasers which make billions of shots to produce results...if I remember correctly...or perhaps it was per second...). Anyhow, great conference with really nice people.

There was also an art exhibit inside
Ferry BuildingFerry BuildingFerry Building

The first time I was here in 2010, the place was empty. This time is was so crowded!
with all this amazing glass work. Take a look at the pics.

But Friday night, I decided to go with my favorite past time of seeing what food was around San Francisco and Berkeley. And something amazing happened...I stumbled upon a place with the Justine Scone!!! So, Saturday morning, I pretty much ran onto BART, took it to the Embarcodero, ran to the ferry building and searched for it. Unfortunately for me, it took a really long time for me to find the was inside the buildings while I was running around outside where there was a farmer's market. But I found all these cool things that I have to try, like Korean tacos! Probably the best idea ever!

Anyhow, after finding the scone, I took my first magical bite...and it was even more amazing than I dreamed. It doesn't crumble like other scones and it's so rich in flavor and the texture is so good...Now I know I need another one of these.

Afterwards, I went to meet my grandma in Chinatown and really, I'm just mentioning this to show the decorations I saw. There was this dragon hanging from the ceiling of a jewelry

The best restaurant scone you'll ever have in your life.
center around a spiral staircase; it looked great. And the Sheraton only brought my excitement for the Chinese New Years celebration out more (no idea why Chinatown San Francisco is celebrating it so late but I'm not going to complain).

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Transamerica PyramidTransamerica Pyramid
Transamerica Pyramid

Walking to Chinatown, I passed by this cool engineering structure. :)

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