Hollywood called.... we answered!!!

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May 13th 2017
Published: May 13th 2017
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Our LAX hotel....

We left London at 4pm on the 12th May, landing in Los Angeles at about 7.30pm local time. Flight with Air New Zealand was good...

Pros: punctual, comfy seats with adequate space, good inflight entertainment and Spencer discovered he could order (free) food and drink electronically via the inflight entertainment system, delivered to his seat.

Cons: the slighty crazy American woman I sat next to who buzzed constantly for the flight attendants and watched LaLa Land (perhaps the clue was in the name?) three times, laughing loudly in all the wrong places.

Trouble free shuttle to the airport Crown Plaza where we are staying for three nights before picking up the RV... and here we are.

Spencer made his usual pronouncement about the best way to beat jet lag (stay awake until the local bedtime). Before doing his (also usual) impression of a narcoleptic and falling immediately into the sleep of the dead.

Today is my birthday (which I'm officially ignoring) and we are off to explore the bright lights of Hollywood.


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