Off to HKG!

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September 24th 1996
Published: April 16th 2018
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Or so we thought........

One of my co-workers was going to Hong Kong to visit family and invited me along. We left Las Vegas on America West flight 2043, a 737-300 bound for Los Angeles. I was in first class seat 1C for the hour long flight west. Once in LA, we went over to the Tom Bradley terminal for our flight to Tokyo. As airline employees, we fly stand-by and today was not our day. We tried the two Japan Airlines flights to Narita and they were both full. We went back to America West and took flight 2470, an Airbus 320, back to Las Vegas. Once again, we were given seats in first class and I was in seat 2F. In Las Vegas, we went to our homes and would meet the next morning try again.


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