Day Nine (Wednesday): Puerto Penasco

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North America » Mexico » Sonora » Puerto Peñasco
March 31st 2022
Published: March 31st 2022
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It was so nice to spend a day without driving! We slept like babies at Walter and Cindy's place. There weren't even any barking dogs...unusual for Mexico...

Mexico is one of my favorite places in the world. While I can't say I'm "comfortable" here, since I'm always struggling with speaking Spanish, but all the smells, and sights and sounds are attached to wonderful memories, starting in 1987. The people are so courteous and friendly...Yesterday, we had several cars stop in anticipation of us crossing the street! And the food of course is wonderful.

And being able to swim without my legs and hands being numb is a treat. One benefit of being a cold water swimmer is that what was once cold water now feels warm!

I started the day with a run down to the beach and a swim in the tide pools. Later we all went to breakfast at a great little place on the other side of town, and Walter gave us a tour of the areas north of town that have lots of high rises, expensive homes, and a golf course.

Later, I walked back to beach where the tide had come in, and I swam in the waves until a swarm of jellyfish appeared and I decided to get out of the water. I love looking at the fossilized shell fragments on the beach, that break off the limestone reefs.

We went to dinner at a restaurant high on the rocky point that gave Puerto Penasco it's name, and watched the sun set tonight.

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