Making Memories in Muskoka

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July 11th 2013
Published: July 12th 2013
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A requirement for each dock...
Is there anything better than cottages in the summer? Packing up your sunscreen and bathing suit, turning off the cell phone and making the trek into the wilderness! The drive itself amps up the excitement as the vehicles around you slowly disperse until you find yourself winding through dense forests, with nothing but you and beautiful, beautiful silence.

I was invited by Auntie Anne to spend a few days in Muskoka, on the ritzy Lake Rosseau. Of course I took her up on the invitation, and before I knew it I was driving down the Trans Can Highway with the windows rolled down, blaring the Tragically Hip.

The striking granite cliffs and thick pine forests led the way... I would occasionally see glimpses of stunning lakes peeking through the trees, but my excitement kept me on track. When I arrived I raced down the winding staircase to the boathouse, and took in the beauty of my surroundings.

When my aunt arrived, we spent the afternoon on a boat tour. The guide told us intriguing stories about some of the cottages we passed, including the price tag for some of them...unbelievable!

That evening we had tea and dessert
Cottage loveCottage loveCottage love

Leap of faith
on the boathouse, overlooking the lake. It was such a perfect setting. I felt so far away from my worries back home. There was nothing but the lake, the trees...

The next morning Anne gave me a tour of the Muskokas. She took me through Bracebridge, Port Carling and Seguin. It became clear to me why the Group of Seven based many of their paintings around that area...there is inspiration everywhere! Before I knew it, evening had come and after a dip in the lake, and some tea, I passed out in seconds in a sun-induced deep slumber.

My final full day was spent at the Rosseau Town Farmers Market. Everyone was in a splendid mood wherever I looked. We chatted with the local farmers about their products and enjoyed ice cream in the sun.

That evening I couldn't believe my eyes when I received an email from the family I Au Paired for in Spain five years earlier. Guess where they would be the next day? Muskoka!

I tried to meet the family the next day, however through a misscommunication, they weren't arriving until the next day! Though I was disappointed, we now have plans to meet in a week when the parents fly back to Canada to pick up their children.

So, I said my goodbye's to Anne, packed up my small bag and made my way to my next adventure in Oakville at my friend Kylie's. As I made my way back into civilization, my mind had the visions of Muskoka imprinted in it. What a perfect trip it had been.

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6



Feeling relaxed and happy...

25th July 2013

I just ran across your blog...
about Muskoka Lakes...I spent several summers at a camp thanks for the memories! I also had a look at your other certainly have the travel bug and have been to very interesting and beautiful places. However, I noticed you have some gaps to fill in from 2009 to am looking forward to reading those blogs.
13th August 2013

Yes, Muskoka has some beautiful camps for kids. Such a great place to spend your summers. I was in school while doing my semester in Budapest, and I just didn't get around to blogging during that time! As well, during my work in the Bahamas it was too busy!! Hence the gaps in my travel blog...! :)
25th July 2013

I just ran across your blog...
about Muskoka Lakes...I spent several summers at a camp thanks for the memories! I also had a look at your other certainly have the travel bug and have been to very interesting and beautiful places. However, I noticed you have some gaps to fill in from 2009 to am looking forward to reading those blogs.
4th August 2013

Found your blog today
Loved reading your bio. Your enthusiasm for life and travel is grand. Life is to be experienced and you are doing that. Keep those blogs coming.

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