The Quietest Day

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May 29th 2005
Published: May 30th 2005
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But this is way more excitingBut this is way more excitingBut this is way more exciting

I would love to have one of these in Boston. There are flaps to protect you from the rain and snow. Maybe pimp some outriggers on it for bad snow storms. If the scooters were any larger and the cars any smaller, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
I am finding that weather reports aren't as frequent or detailed as in the States. Perhaps, I am just not looking in the right place. As a result, we are occasionally caught off guard. It's 30 degrees C today which is pretty hot.

Paris is at her quietest on Sunday, when everyone sleeps in from the night before and at her craziest on Saturday. Most of the shops are closed on Sunday so buy an extra baguette.

We visited the Musee Malliol for a Gustav Klimt exhibition. Our last "biggie" is the Louvre which we have been postponing on account of the crowds. Cara and I did some reconnaisance today and we found an uncrowded underground entrance. Go us! Anyway, I spent some time in Virgin Records exploring French popular culture. See if you can match the French title with the American one:

A) The Ring 1) Les Experts
B) CSI 2) Le Jour D'Apres
C) The Bourne Identity 3) Le Cercle
D) The Day After Tommorrow 4) La Memoire Dans La Peau


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