Day 6 - Vienna Austria

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Europe » Austria » Vienna
October 21st 2023
Published: October 21st 2023
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0


A day of culture and sophistication.

We spent the morning on a guided walk of the old city.

We went up the north tower of St Stephens Church and got rewarded with fantastic views across the city. We tried to reward ourselves with apple strudel but after not being served for 25 minutes we had to give up to rejoin the tour - oh well next time (we will just have to come back).

In the evening we got dressed up and went to see the Vienna Supreme Orchestra. Their performance was amazing not only did we get to hear the Orchestra but there was also opera and ballet performances, part of it had a modern take and was a little cheeky.

Tonight we finally get to sail overnight to our next destination Durnstein.

Only about 6 km walked today ( just as well that we missed out on strudel).

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