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Europe » Austria » Vienna
October 11th 2023
Published: October 11th 2023
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Austria’s capital of Vienna is the City of Waltzes and Europe’s centre of classic music. Strauss and Mozart composed many of their finest music here. The wide boulevard circling the Inner City is lined with Baroque, neo-Renaissance, Gothic-Romanesque and other magnificent structures from the Hofburg Palace to the Vienna State Opera. They are grand and highly ornamented buildings many topped with tall statues of, I assume, famous people. Impressive massive statues are in every open space, some with fountains. Coffee houses are the order of the day, in fact some 2,400 of them. Locals gather for a delicious beverage and hours of social time. You are encouraged to stay as long as you want and enjoy your time there.

First we are treated to a city tour on our bus which for me is completely boring (sorry). The guide talks about things coming up but by the time we get there, I have no idea which attraction he was referring to. Soon I just tune out and look out the window at scenery of my own making. Then off the bus for a walking tour - yes, more my style. Now I can see and experience what he’s talking about. A walk through the gates of the Imperial Palace reveals a massive building with many wings and extensions. At one time this was only the home of the Hapsburg family. The first 5 pictures are all of the Hapsburg Palace and that’s not all of it.

Stallburg Imperial Stables house the Lipizzaner stallions (for more than 450 years) in the centre of the city and part of the Imperial Palace. There were gorgeous white horses in the stalls but they were difficult to see through the viewing windows. An informative stroll through the streets brings us to St. Stephens Cathedral, a Romanesque and Gothic style cathedral built in the very centre of Vienna in the 1300’s. It is very ornate but the inside is not covered in as much gold leaf as some of the churches we have visited.

During our free time Anne & I visited some of the other churches in this area. First St. Peter’s (Peterskirche) was built in the 1700’s with several beautiful frescos and some gold ornamentation. Next was the Church of St. Michael next to the Imperial Palace. A much different church contrasting with the two previous opulent buildings. St. Michael’s is one of the oldest and few remaining Romanesque churches in Vienna dedicated to Archangel Michael. It is the home of a unique religious order (Salvatorians) who work directly with the poor of the city. Interesting that the simplest appearing church is the one doing the work intended by Christ.

A stroll on the streets surrounding St. Stephens reveals very high class and expensive stores, many coffee houses and cafes. We choose a small cafe featuring wiener schnitzel. My plate held a gigantic piece of schnitzel, potato salad and a green salad. I chose Budweiser beer but this is not the American Budweiser. I discovered that there is an original Budweiser produced in the Czech Republic that is brewed in the town of Budweis. It is older than the Anheuser Busch version. After lunch we wandered a bit more but there doesn’t seem to be much more than what we have already seen. So we challenge the ticket machine for the subway and conquer it! For 3 euros we get a ticket for two seniors and board the subway train for a fast ride back to the river and our ship. The subway stations are very clean and respectable and well used. Interestingly, we bought a ticket but never had to produce it to get on the train or out of the station at our stop. I guess it’s an honour system. A pleasant walk back along the river shoreline to our ship takes us past St. Francis of Assisi church (looks like the Disney castle).

Before dinner we had to make a quick trip back to our room before heading to the dining room. I went out onto our balcony to see how warm it was and a swan saw me and came swimming over expecting a handout. I talked to it so it came right up under the balcony. Anne had some mixed nuts, etc. which we handed out like it was Hallowe’en and pretty soon we had 4 swans all begging and trying to chase their competition away. We couldn’t stay to entertain them as we had to run for dinner but managed to snap a couple of pics.

This evening we are booked for a Heurigen fest. This is the season for producing the new wine and the festival celebrates by sampling new wines, snacks and good times. Well this extracurricular activity was a bust. The wine was really quite disgusting. However they served bread rolls, some spreads, a cheese, ham & grapes platter which was nice. Two fellows played the accordion and the violin for pleasant entertainment so it wasn’t a complete disaster. The end of a great day. More tomorrow I’m sure.

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