Day 458

Published: March 17th 2016
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On route to San Ignatio, Belize On route to San Ignatio, Belize On route to San Ignatio, Belize

We're in the Chicken bus behind this vehicle this another mode of transport.
We left Caye Cauker early in the morning and arrived in Belize City, a short walk to the bus terminal, to catch a chicken bus to San Ignatius on the Guatemalan border. Only a couple of nights stay, but it would break our journey as we made our way to to the Guatemala. And lucky us, we arrived just in time for the annual town reggae evening. I don't think we slept till the wee hours.

San Ignatius a small rural town in lush sub tropical rain forests was quite touristy but we found it quite pleasant and the Belize people very friendly. We wandered the streets discovering the market and local walks and ruins. Along with a top breakfast at a spot called Pops. The next day we hopped on a bus to the border only 12 kilometres away. Got off the bus and walked 500 metres to the Guatemala border.

The Guatemala border town proved a little trying as we wandered around the town trying to find a chicken bus, to our dismay none, it seems the small tourist buses have a bit of a monopoly on that. so right back to were we had crossed the
Flores, Guatemala Flores, Guatemala Flores, Guatemala

Cobbled streets of Flores
border and feeling defeated we had no choice but to ride a tourist bus to Flores our next stop.

Arrival in Flores, a busy town, trade and tourism, and the Tikal ruins the main reason people head here. Also the island in the lake, which is old Flores the tourists hotels and restaurants are situated here. The cobbled streets and the tin roofs, but I can assure you nothing like the Game of Throne episodes that I heard one tourist describing Flores.They need to visit Dubrovnik for that. Never the less Dubrovnik it isn't, but Flores as its own character and it's very own charm, the Guatemalan people are quite lovely, happy and very friendly. We loved wandering the markets, as that's we find are where the real people are. Observing the trading and different fruits and vegetables. Although we didn't visit Tikal, I know! but how many ruins can you see, did we make a mistake, we will never know but we enjoyed Flores none the less for not having seen the ruins.

Time to travel onwards to the town of Lanquin and to Semec Champi for the waterfall and the cave swimming. Heading into the mountains and jungles of Guatemala.

As we have all heard the warnings of the zika virus that is carried by mosquitos we always make sure we are covered in Mosquito repellent and sleep with a mozzie coil.

We traveled though breathtaking scenery and landed smack in the jungle, I couldn't help thinking, crap as we stopped to lend a lift to local with a machete. No one would ever find us here if we were kidnapped, we put a lot a faith in the travellers that go before us and tell us about all these remote tropical places.

Arrival in Lanquin and our tree house accommodation, and totally worn out after eating and drinking far to much rum, and a stint at singing at the bar I final fell asleep in our tree house.

Rise and shine to our adventure day at Semec Champi water falls and cave exploring can hardly wait for that. Not good in caves.

I took us about a hour of four wheel driving and deeper into the jungle, we were greeted by local people selling drinks and food. Walking down the river edge to the caves we striped down to our
Flores Guatemala Flores Guatemala Flores Guatemala

Chicken in a Basket !
bathers and were given a candle. Entering the cave the water was icy cold but as it got deeper it became apparent I had signed on for something I just was not going to enjoy, but as the oldest people on the trip, well you just have to toughen up. Climbing ladders and crawling through holes, into water wadding and swimming. And then it happened, on a very flat rock, I slipped, fell and landed right on my chest, if I was to have had a breast implant, well, they would have been ruined, it wound me up so much I had to sit down and try and compose myself and stop myself from crying. All I thought of, was how in the hell am I going to get out of here. Lucky for me we had finished going forward and we were returning back, All the young people had a ball diving off rocks and climbing, we were the oldest people on the tour or perhaps it was just my fear of caves and the limited space but everyone had the best time. Returning to the surface I tried to remain calm but I was a wreck, shaking and quite upset. Trying to compose myself and to be courageous, we gathered our tubes and set off for the water pools and the cool river. And then another accident, I then fell off a large rock down about 5 foot hurting my foot and knee and leg. I was so angry with myself and felt very defeated, making our way to the river and bathing my sore body in the the cool waters, I cried. After composing myself joined in with the group floating down stream and trying to determine the damage I had sustained. I think l had a cracked rib, very bruise knee and leg and foot.

I tried to walked to the lookout but my foot was swelling, so we decided to meet the group later at the waterfalls. Glorious waterfall were we swam and soaked up the sun and spent a couple of hours recapping on our wonderful day even though I had rough time. Driving back to our accommodation I felt quite brave. But for that slip, which I am now feeling my age and plus.

That night after some more rum for medicinal purposes only, I turned in ready for our departure
Flores, Guatemala Flores, Guatemala Flores, Guatemala

Timber saddles covered with leather.
at 5am to Panajachel and Lake Atilan.

We drove through Guatemala City the traffic was crazy and by the time we had got through and we're heading to Antiqua for a bus change we were happy that we hadn't stayed in the vast city. Antiqua for a few hours looked amazing, old Spanish beautiful buildings while we were waiting, for our next bus we called into the most beautiful McDonalds I have ever been into for a coffee and then decided to have a Big Mac, omg, not that we frequent Mc Donald's ever, but it tasted good and cheered me up and kind of felt comforting. Who would have thought it.

Another 3 hour drive and arrival at our accommodation in Panajachal we crashed. Bruises to my ego and not very mobile we lounged around and relaxed walking slowly, and slowing right down. We enjoyed sailing the lake and visiting surrounding towns. Such as San Pedro were we ate the best burritos ever from a local man. Who ran and small eating place, with his entire family and obviously very popular with the backpackers and tourists. Lots of expat Americans live around the lake. They probably visited,
Flores, GuatemalaFlores, GuatemalaFlores, Guatemala

The purple signifying lent
married local girls and never left the place. The lake is surrounded by Volcanos it can get quite hazy due to the live volcanos. We had planned to climb one, but as I was recovering it wasn't such a great idea.

A few days later we returned to Antiqua, we wanted to plan at least 4 days but couldn't find the right amount of nights accommodation not even one hotel, I had said to Glen that I felt that something was happening in the town for everywhere to be booked out so, we decided to use Air BNB we hadn't used it since Europe so we were so lucky to find such a wonderful place.

"Mason Bourgavillia" which was run by Irving, such a wonderful young man and along with his visiting family Auntie Lucie and Uncle Marco from Quebec in Canada we have found new friends. We were made so comfortable, it's so nice to stay in a home and feel relaxed and able to cook and wash.

We loved Antiqua and Irving equipped us with some wonderful places to visit and local knowledge, and cheap places to dine and local what's what.

And we
Lanquin, Guatemala.Lanquin, Guatemala.Lanquin, Guatemala.

Semoc Champi, cave swimming
also found out why the town was so busy, the weekend celebration of Semena Santa, Holy Week, a day when the people carry a statue of Christ carrying the cross through the streets. It signifies the stations or the cross, it was quite somber.

The day starts as each neighborhood creates a floral carpets on the cobbled streets they are so fantastic that some actually look like Chinese carpets the hours of work and the people creating these masterpieces, so we were up early to watch how they made them and then towards the procession when within a few minute they are destroyed. And shortly after that are swept up by the council as though they never existed.

Antiqua is just lovely you just forget that your in Central America and think your in a Spanish town. Antiqua was the center of Central American when the Spanish conquered and as far as Mexico and Central America it was all ruled from Antiqua. Beautiful buildings a great culture and very welcoming people. Opulent Hotels and homes cobbled streets which give your calfs a great work out.

We returned each night and took in the views from the roof
Lanquin, Guatemala.   Lanquin, Guatemala.   Lanquin, Guatemala.

Semuc Champi waterfalls.
top, admiring the views of the surrounding Volcanos which are still active, as we observed when arriving a few days earlier.

Sad to leave Antiqua we could have stayed longer, and I spent a lovely evening reminiscing old music and stories with Lucie and Marco and Irving's great company. It was lovely to have met you all.

We travelled to Honduras and to Copan Ruins a 6 hour journey, and we saw and met the most beautiful birds, Macaws, they are bred in captivity and then brought to the Ruins site and slowly set free back into nature. They are so beautiful and I could have taken photos all day. The ruins were special too, we had a great day. Tomorrow we have a bit of an adventure as we will be traveling to El Salvador via 4 chicken buses, no doubt that will be a adventure in its self. Onward we travel ........... Suzanne and Glen

Additional photos below
Photos: 76, Displayed: 28


San Pedro, GuatumalaSan Pedro, Guatumala
San Pedro, Guatumala

Veiw of San Pedro
San Pedro, GuatemalaSan Pedro, Guatemala
San Pedro, Guatemala

The best Burrito lunch
Panajachal, GuatemalaePanajachal, Guatemalae
Panajachal, Guatemalae

Colours of Panajachal Cemetario

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