Shopping in Costa Rica and Looking for Bargains!

Published: July 24th 2011
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I'm back in Costa Rica for a couple of more days and then I'll be going back to LA to stay at my parent's house for a month or so.

I do tend to go a lot to Costa Rica because I have several friends there so I have a place to crash whenever I want.

Before I head back, I am currently shopping for gifts for my family. Since I am a free wanderer with no steady job at the moment to speak of, I am always out looking for bargains in Costa Rica or as they say in Spanish, Costa Rica descuentos.

Luckily enough, as I was playing around on facebook I found this facebook page on Costa Rica ofertas y descuentos which really helped me out.

I'm not one that is big on buying stuff on the internet but thanks to that page, I was able to get coupons(yes they have those in Costa Rica) for decent souvenirs for my family.

Aside from that, the best place to look for bargains in Costa Rica is to stay away from malls and tourist traps.

What you want to do is go downtown where the Ticos shop and do it all there.


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