Costa Rica Rainforest Tour

Published: March 16th 2009
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I have been in Costa Rica for a few days now and so far I love it. The work is challenging enough but its not overbearing yet where i have to take the work back to my hotel.

This saturday, I got to take a 12 hour tour outside of Costa Rica which included, a coffee plantation, Poas Volcano, rain forest and a boat tour to a banana plantation.

Most of it was pretty good but I will just go over the Rainforest trip since it was the most disappointing yet fun tour.

When we first arrived to the start of our rainforest tour, our guide pointed out a wooden bridge suspended by ropes that went over a small river. He told us that this is where the rainforest started.

Before the rainforest tour started, we had to eat. The food was decent. a tico-style buffet that incorporated some interesting dishes and a few more american dishes along with it.

I was done in about 30 minutes but had to wait another hour before the rest of the 30 something people in our group was ready to enter the rainforest.

When we where all ready, our guide gave us some boots and a walking stick and some general instructions which included several times do not touch anything!

As we stepped onto the suspended wooden bridge, my mind was racing with excitment, what was I going to find? A rare lost tribe? Gold, some unknown animal specie?

Much to my disappointment, we found nothing. Only a bullet ant that is said that if it bites you it will hurt so much that it will feel like you got hit by a bullet. Overall, it was very peaceful but nothing lik in the movies.

Now I am back at work and tomorrow, I will be apartment hunting. My company set me up with these costa rica real estate brokers that will hel me find a short term lease.


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