Page 5 of christinewesten Travel Blog Posts

North America » United States » Alaska » Seward September 4th 2021

Today was my last day in Seward and it was pretty relaxing. I slept in and ate a leisurely breakfast at the hotel. The only thing on my agenda for today was a visit to the Alaska Sea Life Center. The Sea Life Center is at the other end of town from my hotel. To get there I walked along the coastal walkway, a nice paved path that winds through campgrounds and along the coast with amazing views the entire way. There were lots of families sitting down to breakfast next to their campers or out walking their dogs. There are signs along the path with information on Seward and the nature surrounding it. Several focus on the earthquake of 1964. It was a 9.2 earthquake, the second largest ever recorded, and the quake plus resulting ... read more
Sea Life Center
Fun Covid Sign

North America » United States » Alaska » Seward September 3rd 2021

Let me get this out of the way, I did not puke on the boat! Several others did, I did not. Got your attention there. Today was spent in the very capable hands of Captain Kaylee and First Mate Tammy on board the Viewfinder, a small vessel that is part of Major Marine Tours. Our destination today was Northwestern Glacier and all the sites along the way during our 8.5 hour tour. I chose to sit outside so I didn't have to wear a mask the entire trip (although the mask did double as a way to keep my face warm later in to the ride) and so it would be easy to step to the side of the boat for photos. I took 437, plus several videos on my phone. Tammy started us out with ... read more
Fjords Tour
Humpback Whale Tail

North America » United States » Alaska » Seward September 2nd 2021

Today I took the Coastal Classic train to Seward and hiked to Exit Glacier. Both were amazing! The day started early. Honestly I was up at 2 AM (5 AM Chicago time) and couldn't go back to sleep. So I had a snack and did some reading. Finally it was 5:30 and time to check out and head over to the train depot to check in. A light rain was falling but the walk to the depot was 5 minutes so I decided to walk rather than use the shuttle. They have a handy luggage check right outside the depot and will tag your bag with the hotel name so it goes straight from the train to the hotel on arrival. A few minutes later I had my boarding pass and fancy Gold Star pin. Car ... read more
Train Scenes
Train Scenes
Train Scenes

North America » United States » Alaska » Anchorage September 1st 2021

Leading up to this trip there was one big question, would it even happen? The COVID-19 pandemic has been going on since early 2020 and the recent Delta variant has caused a surge in cases. I booked this trip at the end of October 2020 using a travel company out of Anchorage. The advantage to me was having one point of contact if I needed to cancel and travel protection to be able to get a full refund. Fortunately, Alaska is still open to visitors who are in desperate need of a vacation after sitting at home since March 2020! I like to be to the airport early as I don't like to be rushed through security and have to sprint to get to my flight. My dad dropped me off at O'Hare at 6:30 and ... read more
Anchorage Airport
Comfort Inn

North America » United States » Alaska » Anchorage September 1st 2021

For some reason I dreaded turning 30. Still have no real idea why but at the time it wasn't something I was looking forward to. To cheer myself up I made a bucket list of things to do by the time I turned 40. That bucket list included a few things but the main item was to have visited all 50 states. At the time I had 8 left to go to. As of 9/1 I will have set foot in all 50 states at least once. Some were brief visits, some were longer than needed visits (10 days in Nebraska???), some were repeat visits but all provided me with opportunities to learn something new, see something new and broaden my horizons. America is full of beautiful places and beautiful people. There are corners that will ... read more

North America » United States » Louisiana » New Orleans February 12th 2020

My flight home wasn't until 5:00 PM (except then it was delayed but more on that later) and I wanted to have time to visit New Orleans before heading to the airport. Left my cozy condo at 7 AM on another foggy morning and hit the road. The drive was easy, although foggy all the way until just before the city. My friendly Google Maps navigator had me exit I-10 at Elysian Fields Ave, which runs through the 7th Ward. I noticed many of the houses looked pretty run down yet most had cheerful Mardi Gras decorations hanging on their balconies. Eventually I turned onto Decatur Street and proceeded to look for a parking lot. I read ahead of time that parking on the street in the city is not advised because the meters are tricky ... read more
New Orleans!
Beignets to go
Powdered sugar everywhere!

North America » United States » Alabama » Gulf Shores February 11th 2020

Today I woke up to fog, and not just any fog, dense fog. The window screens and sill were wet, the balcony was wet and I could just barely see the dunes out my window. This put a slight hitch in my plans as the ferry was not running at all, visibility for driving was poor and I couldn't decide what to do. In the end, I decided I should not plan anything and should just go wherever I felt like. After laying around the room, I finally got moving and drove into Gulf Shores and further along the coast to Orange Beach. This time of year the traffic is pretty light so it was a nice easy drive. The fog was all along the coast and I couldn't see much so I turned around. I ... read more
Interpretive Center in the Fog
Pets only!

North America » United States » Alabama » Gulf Shores February 10th 2020

Let me start by saying that the people in Gulf Shores are friendly. That applies to locals and visitors alike! I started my morning with a walk on the beach, which required me to ride down to the lobby in an already occupied elevator. The gentleman saw me follow him out the door and said "Morning walk on the beach too huh?" He is a snowbird from Valparaiso and gave me some food tips and wished me luck on my shell hunting. I walked east along the beach for quite a ways. Along my walk I saw several dead jellyfish (I was careful not to step on any), a Great Blue Heron and lots and lots of shells. The waves are very large right now and there are rip current warnings all over. The water temperature ... read more
Dead Jelly
Obligatory Feet and the Ocean
Fort Morgan

North America » United States » Alabama » Gulf Shores February 9th 2020

When you start to get overwhelmed at work and need a break, you start looking for where you can go quickly and cheaply. For me, that ended up being the Gulf Coast so I could finally cross some more states off my list. As far as the basics, I got a cheap $75 round trip flight on Spirit from O'Hare to New Orleans and found a condo right on the Alabama coast for $56 a night. You can't really get a better deal than that! Every time I fly Spirit I say I won't fly it again and then I do. The advantage on a short trip like this is I did not need to bring a bag bigger than my backpack so it was worth it. This time the flight left on time, arrived on ... read more
Lake Pontchartrain
Welcome Center
Welcome Center

North America » United States » Nevada » Las Vegas February 8th 2019

Our flight home was to leave at 8:30 so I arranged for the shuttle to pick us up at 6. We left our fancy room and headed down through the very quiet hotel to check out and wait outside for our ride. The shuttle was a little delayed, but the airport is only a 10-15 minute drive from the hotel so no big deal. We got our boarding passes, went through security, got breakfast at Starbucks and reached our gate only to learn the flight was delayed. The incoming plane was late due to weather delays out of Minneapolis. But it was ok as we weren't in a huge hurry to return to 8 degree Chicago! On this trip, I got to cross one more state off my list, sing along with the songs of my ... read more

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