Page 5 of bethany grace Travel Blog Posts

Asia » South Korea » Cheongju April 2nd 2010

Wow, as of today we have been in Cheongju for 1 week. Time flies when you’re having fun I guess! After a great weekend we went into Monday feeling pretty good but also a little anxious for the teaching. One part of that was the fact that I was going to be teaching 9 different classes, only ONE of wish I had trained for. If someone told me that a few weeks ago I would have been freaking out but it’s actually not that bad and I’m getting the hang of it. Classes are at 4pm and 7pm every M-F. So I teach 2 classes a day 5 days a week, which equals 10 classes. One of them is the one I trained for in Seoul. And one of them I teach twice, so I ... read more

Asia » South Korea March 28th 2010

Sadly enough, Cheongju is not on the list of options for cities in South Korea on this travel blog website. "South Korea" will have to do. But if anyone is wondering I am in Cheongju. We arrived here Friday night. It is currently Sunday evening and we start teaching tomorrow! It's not that easy though: let me rewind. Friday: We get up, pack all of our luggage into a van outside the hotel. There's about 14 of us loading all of our stuff in this van, and riding in it to training. It was a tight squeeze. But before all of that: I am coming out of the elevator with a luggage cart full of 4 bags 50+ pounds each, 3 carry ons, a purse and my training binder. Jake is upstairs getting his huge box ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam » Samseong March 25th 2010

This is going to be quick because I've got to get in the shower and get ready to leave for the last day of training. SO glad it's the last day. I didn't think it would ever come. I'm not sure I've ever learned this much information in a week of my life. From 9-5 for the last 4 days I have been sitting at a table learning new information and then mock teaching, which is followed by the whole group offering constructive criticism! That's always fun huh!? I wasn't really aware that upon arriving to training they make it very clear that you haven't been hired yet, often referring to the "application process." IF and WHEN you pass the class structure test and final mock evaluation on Friday THEN you sign a contract and are ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam March 23rd 2010

Where do I start? The last two days seem like they’ve been more eventful than the last 2 months of my life. I’ll try to proceed in an organized manner but I won’t make any promises. Yesterday (Monday) we began training. All of the trainees met in the hotel lobby at 10am and waited for a call van to pick us up and drive us to training. There were 11 of us in the lobby but more trainees showed up at training that had either already been in Korea or had their own transportation. Among the 11, there were 4 girls and 7 guys. 9 of us were from America and 2 were from Canada. We took a bus for quite a while through the city and then across the main bridge that separates the two ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul March 21st 2010

Maybe getting up at 3:45 wasn't a great idea. But I couldn't sleep anymore and I felt energized! So I got up and started studying the English grammar & reading packets we are soon to be tested on. May I just add that I hate noun, adverb, and adjective clauses? It was a perfect time to be on my computer because I got to skype with my sister, cousin, and Jake's mom and sister. I also got to see BLUE SKIES in Seoul. It took three days but now I know it happens. Yesterday we slept through the breakfast offered by the hotel from 7-9:30. Then we found out it's an American style buffet, so we did not make that mistake again. We went down to the hotel bar/coffee place and had a nice American breakfast ... read more
Photo 3
For here

Asia » South Korea » Seoul March 20th 2010

It's 6:30 in the morning and I've been up for over 2 1/2 hours! Darn jet lag. I've been watching videos about English Grammar, trying to freshen up my skills before training starts tomorrow. So this is the deal: If you fail the basic knowledge and skills test, you are not hired, and therefore unemployed in a foreign country with no money to buy a ticket home. Ha ha, let's hope this does NOT happen. We have been watching videos, taking online quizzes over the material, and doing practice questions. Not going to lie, some of the grammar questions really messed me up. 1. My brother is only five feet tall. If he ____a foot taller, he would be a great basketball player. a. was b. is c. were I realize c may sound better, but ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul March 20th 2010

Our flight was exactly 11 1/2 hours like they said. We didn't sleep once which I thought was weird but it was never dark so it seemed strange going to bed. It was pretty cool how we chased the daylight while crossing the INT date line. We never saw nighttime. So I guess we missed a night of our lives! No Thursday night this week. The highlight of the flight for me was borrowing Jake's INCREDIBLE Bose headphones for about 15 minutes and listening to "We are the world" non-stop. The old one and the new one. It is a completely different flight having those things on your head. You don't even know you are in a plane. My little ipod headphones hurt my ears and I can CONSTANTLY hear the very loud rumblings of a ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Stellenbosch May 11th 2008

Still here hanging out in Stellenbosch and classes are almost done... just wanted to add some pictures!... read more
Cape Town women
with the girls

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Stellenbosch April 13th 2008

Sorry for the depressing title. I would love to put up pictures and write about my never ending adventures and how great everything is but something is consuming my thoughts. MY COMPUTER IS BROKEN!!! ya, that's right. AGAIN. So I wasted $100 and R100 on getting a new battery sent here. It worked for a few days and now...nothing. So anyway, a nice friend is letting me use their computer. I am saving pennies (feel free to save some for me) and I'm going to have to do the big switch over and buy a mac when I get home. How? Not really sure...I think I can work for about month and get myself a pretty nice, reliable mac for school and everything. So everyone, when I get un-bitter and over this whole thing I will ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Knysna March 26th 2008

Greetings from Knysna! I am enjoying my 10 day spring break. We split from the 51 Americans yesterday and everyone went there own way. Me and 4 girls got dropped off at a car rental place and picked up our extremely small chico. has been funny. out stuff does not fit. but anyway....last week with the whole AIFS group we did some fun things. We have been so busy, I haven't written anything down and am scared of forgetting what we've done! We went to an elephant park....ostrich farm where you could ride the ostriches, hiked in a beautiful nature reserve along the coast, stayed in log cabin type things for 2 nights, and a hostel literally ON the beach for 3 nights, went to some insanely CRAZY caves that we crawled through (one opening ... read more
more bungy
more bungy

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