Page 2 of Yenny Travel Blog Posts

Asia » South Korea » Busan » Haeundae-gu June 2nd 2012

If Seoul is the Madrid of South Korea, Busan is the Barcelona of South Korea (a conclusion my dad and I came to). Suffice to say, Busan was the perfect place to go for our long weekend. It felt nice to get out of a busy metropolis and travel down south to a beach city... Haeundae Beach was phenom! I never thought I would like seeing so many tourists, but it was comforting to finally hear other people speaking English. There are 99.9% Koreans residing in South Korea, so its very rare to see another westerner lingering the streets of Seoul. In Busan however, there were tourists everywhere. It felt nice for a change. There were intense sand castles being created for a festival the next weekend. They had even hired a man to stand all ... read more
Fish Lady
FRESH sushi

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yangcheon-gu May 1st 2012

Something as mundane as taking a taxi in Seoul has turned out to be quite an experience in and of itself. We hail a cab and take a seat. The first thing I notice is the lack of any seatbelts. "Just don't worry about it" Jed tells me. So I shrug and show the man where we want to go. He looks at it and gives us a crazed, toothless smile and off we go. He's honking and weaving around traffic, while speeding ahead. I clutch the seat and think to myself "we should have walked." We come to a red light and I relax a little. Just as I've relaxed he opens his door, leans far out and spits. Not just a quick spit however, the loudest, most obnoxious spit imagineable. I just glance over ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul April 17th 2012

I've got SEOUL! I just arrived in South Korea last night, and though I'm pretty jet lagged from the fourteen hour flight, I'm too excited to sleep. When I arrived a man was standing in the airport with a sign with my name on it, (a lifelong dream of mine...haha). He couldn't speak a WORD of English, not even hello, but me, being the huge risk-taker that I am, just hopped in his van and an hour later I was in the heart of Seoul, standing in front of my new apartment. The first night, Jed and I ate at a Korean BBQ restaurant. When we walked in we took our shoes off, and plunked right down on the floor. They served us kimchi (the most classic Korean appy), followed by course-after-course of veggies, bugs, noodles, ... read more
View from my apartment
My kitchen/laundry room
Korean-style claw game

Europe » Spain September 13th 2008

Well, I finally have time to make my final blog about Spain. What a summer I had. I met amazing people, and saw amazing places in Spain. I experienced the culture and got to live with a wonderful family! We ended the summer off by going to Mallorca. Its a Spanish Island in the Mediterranean Sea. When I saw the first beach I was in SHOCK! It was GORGEOUS! Like nothing I've ever seen before. Clear blue waters and perfect, white sand. Basically, the two weeks consisted of relaxing on various beaches, boating on huge sailboats, eating amazing food and shopping. There's too much to say really, so I'll leave it at that. My summer was so fun and I'd like to thank the Bunzl's for letting me join their family and experience their way of ... read more
Ping Pong
Leaving the beach

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid July 31st 2008

Since I now know Madrid like the back of my hand, I was dad´s ¨tour guide¨when we were in the city. I took him to all my favourite places, plus a few places I had never been! We took the Madrid tour bus which showed everything, like the Royal Palace, the Prado Museum and Plaza Mayor. We ate dinner that night in this really fancy outdoor restaurant. There was a piano player and fans spraying a light mist of water on us. I tried ¨melon con jamon¨which is melon and ham! It sounds like a wierd combo, and it is. But it tasted delish! Dad was daring and tried the green olives they gave us. Much to his own surprise, he liked them! Then that night we took the tour bus again, but the city seemed ... read more
Spider man
Melon and Ham

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona July 31st 2008

Barcelona! What a city. Dad and I took the highspeed train from Madrid to Barca (as the locals call it) and it took 2 and a half hours. I slept most of the way (we left at 7 am), but dad was looking out the window, snapping pictures of the landscapes the whole time. I kept forgetting that everything here is so new to him! Anyway, when we arrived we checked into our cute NH Hotel and then headed to this huge mall to look for a computer dad could email mom with. The mall had a road going right through it! Anyway, we couldn´t find a comp so we decided to head downtown. We got help from a slightly strange man, but either way, he led us to the tour bus that we wanted to ... read more
Fruit market
Fish Market
Under the sea

Europe » Spain » Valencian Community July 10th 2008

This past weekend was another adventure! The fam and I drove for four hours on Thursday night to a Mediterranean town called Denia, near Valencia. The drive alone was beautiful, especially at night, seeing Valencia all lit up and tucked away in mountains. We arrived at The Marriot which is a vvvvery nice five-star hotel. Rafa and family and friends have an annual golf tournament, so I met about eight other families upon our arrival! "My" family is ALWAYS with other people so there's never a dull moment. I was pleasantly surprised to meet a girl my age, named Yasmin, who was an au pair as well! She had just begun and looked a little nervous and frazzled with her kids, sitting in the hotel restaurant. I thought back to my first few days here and ... read more
The Mediterranean
Cheers to Spain!
View from hotel window

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid June 30th 2008

WE WON! WE WON! (Yes, I'm saying "we" as if I'm Spanish now... haha) Anyway, the FINAL game for the EuroCup was last night and SPAIN WON! They haven't won since 1964, so they've waited 44 years for this moment! Just to put this in Canadian terms, its equivalent to the Maple Leafs winning the Stanley Cup! So Madrid went CRAZY. There was a million and a half people in CoLON Square which is where a screen was broadcasting the game. The streets were PACKED. There were a few people trying to drive but it was impossible because of all the drunk Spaniards running around. There were people climbing the street lights waving the Spanish flag. There were huge groups of people running around with their arms around complete strangers. I was with Teresa (a cousin ... read more
A blur
The gang

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid June 20th 2008

Yesterday I went to Segovia. It took about an hour by train and I stopped in a cute town on the way called Cercedilla, which I've heard is where Pan's Labyrinth was filmed. I spent an hour there and it was really nice. Anyway, once I stepped off the train in Segovia I had no idea which way to go. I overheard people speaking English so I asked them if they knew where we were. They did not know either, so we began walking together. It turns out they were from "the boring part" of California and were spending one week in Spain! They had made day trips to all the same towns I had been to. Once we figured out where we were we headed toward the famous Aqueduct. It was amazing. We probably spent ... read more
Old City

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » El Escorial June 17th 2008

Today I ventured out to El Escorial. Its a cute town with a famous palace/monastery complex called, what else? El Esorial! It was gorgeous. It was built in the 1500's by King Felipe II, and now almost all the kings of Spain are buried there! I went into the Pantheon of the Kings, and it was very beautiful, but eerie too. After getting the tour of the palace I had two hours left to kill before I had to catch my bus. I began wandering through the cute streets when a friendly looking grampa said "want a beer?" My first thought was Rafa saying "never trust Spaniards" but my next thought was "yeah actually, I could use a beer on this hot day!" So I took a seat and talked to the man for the rest ... read more
El Esc and Mountains

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