Page 2 of TamWarner Travel Blog Posts

Africa » South Africa June 2nd 2012

Ah, I now have to time to catch up on my blog as I fly over Mozambique, headed to Joburg. On Monday I came down with a stomach bug. It must have been the stomach bug of all time, because I have never felt so sick in my life. I was sick enough to call upstairs for a doctor, and the owner of Peri Peri was at the guesthouse with his wife. I think I have already blogged about how he tested me for malaria, and no, I don’t have it. My CPAP was out, and most people seem to think it is some kind of oxygen or ventilator, I guess people in the rest of the world don't have CPAPs or sleep apnea, mine gives me a solid night of sleep but isn't a big ... read more
New friends!
moz 12 tam with ben and marcel

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Tofo May 30th 2012

My absence of 2 days can be explained by illness, and yes, I thought I was going to die! Who knows what bug I caught or where I caught it? Conditions are not sanitary here, really, I've been sharing bathrooms and bedrooms and regulators I caught something. I became so ill I actually called the manager to get a doctor for me. That is not done here, but Steve, the owner of the dive shop Peri Peri, and his wife Martina, the volunteer I have mentioned regarding the orphanage, were at Casa Do Mar visiting the owners. Steve tested me for malaria, Katie brought pills for temperature, they iced me down, and gave me electrolytes. The hospital is the last resort, here. I am now off to get Randy at the Inhambane airport, so I ... read more

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Tofo May 28th 2012

I spent a miserable night last night. On my way to bed I discovered that our electrical outlet quit working, so I had to go downstairs and sleep in the middle, airless, windowless, storeroom/bedroom. The mattress (if you can even call it that) was so thin I could feel the bed slats, so I decided to put the mattress on the floor. I did get a fan and had it on all night. I woke up aching. I then changed, went upstairs and turned on the faucet…no water. Shit. So I decided to check into Casa Do Mar a day early. I then did a two tank dive this morning. The ocean was a bit rough, with swells. The first reef was 30 minutes out, called Outback. No mantas, leopard sharks, bowmouth guitar sharks, leatherbacks or ... read more
2 eels!
Jelly dude
clear fin Lionfish

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Tofo May 26th 2012

Well, I missed my dive this morning. No, I wasn’t hung over, I felt ill during the night, as did my roomie, Leslie. After imbibing a lot of alcoholic substances, the group went to Tofo Tofo, a restaurant in the village. Dinner was delicious, I think it was the ice that made me ill. Ice can be a danger as we all know. I should have stuck with the bottle. I managed to “sneak” away after dinner, Daniela had quite a few cocktails shall we say, and insisted I go to Fatimas with them to dance with her. I asked Patty to distract her, which wasn’t a problem, and I headed home, taking the shortcut through the woods. Leslie insisted on walking me to the fork, and it is good that she did, because I would ... read more
moz 12 cb baby
moz 12 cb suzanne and denicea2
With Suzanne and Patty

Oceans and Seas » Indian May 25th 2012

Today I had the worst dive I think I have ever had. We went to a reef called TableTop, and the visibility was so bad I thought I was in a blizzard. Apparently we were dropped in at the wrong spot. I have never been in such a strong current, and we had to swim against the current. At times there was no choice but to hold onto the rocky coral area in order to stay put. I was very, very surprised that the dive wasn’t aborted pretty quickly, but we stayed down for 24 minutes. The visibility was maybe15 to 20 feet, at most. You didn’t really see people so much as shadows unless you were right next to them. Ironically, as I was fighting like hell to keep up and ... read more
Pin cushion seastar
moz 12 tt cushion seastar

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Tofo May 23rd 2012

Today has been so eventful I really don't know where to start. I guess I will start this morning. Leslie (my roomie) and I walked down to the market, I wanted to buy a couple of things. She had to leave for an ocean safari after 30 minutes or so, at which point every guy in the market bombarded me. They need to eat, feed their kids, they are my friend, they make good price....omg. It went on and on. And yes, I bought. I also ran away, down the road to Fatimas, a sort of beach bar/restaurant. Two guys followed me, but when I shook my head they left. I guess they didn't want to get the Fatima staff upset by hassling their customers. Fatimas is nice...a lovely place to sit and just watch the ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Indian May 22nd 2012

I was supposed to be on an Ocean Sarari today, but the wind was too high, so we dove instead. The dive had quite a bit of surge, but we did see a lot: blue spotted rays, torpedo ray, jenkins whip ray, leaf fish, porcupine fish (followed me around!), lionfish and a lovely octopus! Still have not seen a manta ray on a dive, or any whale shark, leopard shark, or guitar shark. We watched a documentary today called SHIVER, it is about Mozambique's diverse marine life and how they are fishing out the sharks and the mantas. Several sharks have been harvested and slaughtered right on the beach, you can imagine what is going on in more remote areas. All for shark fin soup. Absolutely ridiculous. The soup is made from the inner fibers of ... read more
and off you go!
A day with low waves

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Tofo May 21st 2012

The big event today was a non-event....nothing on the ocean safari. Two whale sharks have been sighted at Barra Point, so we are going to head that direction tomorrow. Also, four Great Whites have been sighted not far from here, apparently it is unusual to see them in these waters. After my last experience with one I can't say I'm anxious to meet one in open water, the cage was rather helpful last time. Today it rained, and it is cold for the first time since I've been here. Chilly. It will be cold on the water tomorrow. The water temperature has dropped 4 degrees since I've been in Tofo, so winter is coming (Stark words). Rain and wind shut down the power here in Tofo, so we've been without power a few times today. An ... read more

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Tofo May 20th 2012

Back in Tofo after a LONG and bumpy ride back in a van that rides rougher than a go-cart! Ouch. Of course, in the 2 days I was gone a whale shark was spotted on a dive, a tiger shark, and a gray reef shark. Apparently the strong currents bring them in. Of course, the flip side is that the visability was 4 meters (12 feet). To see a tiger shark within 12 feet would be a harrowing experience I think, but often when you are afraid of something, if you dive with it once, you feel fine about it. I actually jumped in the water the other day when we sighted a Hammerhead Shark. Sadly, I didn't see it. I've always wanted to see one. So I am unsure about the way the rest of ... read more
moz 12 vilancula Indian ocean

Africa » Mozambique » Southern » Vilanculos May 19th 2012

Vilancula on a shoestring. It took from 9a until 2p to get here, we are staying at a backpackers hostel. Not exactly what I am used to….but for two nights I can survive. We stopped on the way for a picnic where Ben found a chameleon. Everyone photographed it repeatedly. THEN Ben spotted a green tree snake. I said, I think that snake is venomous, but they said it was not. Photos again! Then Felix checked it on his iphone…and yes, it is a very poisonous snake whose bite can be fatal. I’m grateful no one grabbed it. Right now I am in the “restaurant” of the backpackers, and a momma dog has 9 pups in here. They are so cute, but life is too tough here for these poor dogs. People cannot take care of ... read more
moz 12 vilancula backpackers (2)
moz 12 vilancula beach
moz 12 bazaruto crocodile fish

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