Page 12 of Stuart Travel Blog Posts

Africa » Morocco » Fès-Boulemane » Fes December 11th 2004

Fez. Fez El-Bali and Fez El-Jdid. The old city is a maze of dead ends, Mosques, Madrassa's and souks. It's also a tourist trap. But some places are a tourist honeypoot, for a good reason. The Medina of Fez is beyond compare - it's the Moroccan City of your Dreams. I arrived in Fez yesterday by bus. I walked into the old city from the bus and was approached by a tout who I got rid of. I looked at 4 Hotels. At the last hotel, I was approached by someone outside the hotel I assumed was a tout, but he insisted he worked at the hotel. He showed my a room, and told me to put my bag down - I didn't. I hadn't yet negotiated a price. I insisted on seeing the showers - ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen December 10th 2004

As one of the pushers in Chefchaouen said last night "If you have no grass, you no have been to Chefchaouen." He was right, I'm wrong. I wasn't there. I must have been in an Alternative Universe, because I wasn't stoned. I missed out on dope head heaven. After all I couldn't possibly have been there for the stunning views of the mountains or the relatively relaxed atmosphere for Morocco. Or, could I? I'm writing this in Fez, after a five hour journey on the bus. I spent a second day in Chefchaouen yesterday, wandering around the town, drinking mint tea in Salon's de The, and having some interesting conversations with some of the locals. My evening meal yesterday, in the Restaurant Aladdin, was some performance! The Lonely Planet describes it as a traveller friendly restaurant ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen December 8th 2004

It was a short hop this morning from Tetuan to Chefchaouen - a trip of 1 and a half hours by local bus. It was cold and wet when I arrived in the morning. When I arrived I spent some time looking around various lodgings till I found one I liked. Whilst I was wandering the streets looking for hotels, I was offered kif (hashish). I refused all offers very firmly. Kif is a local industry in the area, for want of decent prices for other products for the local farmers. I spent the day walking around the town - its not very big. But the medina is very attractive, and the town is in a stunning location, in a valley in the Rif Mountains. Fortunatly the sun came out later in the afternoon, after I ... read more

Africa » Morocco December 7th 2004

Left Tangier this morning - used one of the touts to get to the bus station quickly. I could have found it myself but the touts have some uses! I arrived in Tetuan in blazing Sun, after a 1 hour journey. I was latched onto by another tout, who wouldn't take no for an answer. I was maybe a bit soft and allowed him to follow me around. Maybe he thought he was giving me a tour I hadn't asked for. In fact I had made it very clear that I didn't want anything from him. No hotels, taxi's, tours etc. Obviously he knew I had just arrived, as I'd just got off the bus! Anyway after about half an hour, I finally told him to go, and he asked for a tip, which I refused ... read more
Tetuan - inside the Medina

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Tangier December 6th 2004

Spent today travelling from Malaga to Tangier in Morocco. The bus to Algecirus took longer than I expected - I should know better than to believe the estimates in the Lonely Planet! It took about 3 hours, travelling all along the coast stopping at all the resorts on the way - Torrelominos, Marbela etc. At the port of Algecirus, I caught the fast ferry, which is advertised as taking 1 hour, but in fact took 1 and a half hours. Somehow, I managed to get on the ferry and disembark without getting my passport stamped. So, the Moroccan border guard sent me back on the boat to get my passport stamped. It wasn't really a problem - it only delayed me leaving the ship by 10 minutes. The ferry staff were very helpful. This keyboard is ... read more
Malaga  - Tangier journey

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Málaga December 5th 2004

I've finally left Blighty! I caught the Easyjet flight this morning at 7am, after spending the night at the Stansted Hilton. The Hotel cost more than the flight, although I did get a cheap deal by booking over the net. The plane arrived in Malaga at 10.50am. I've spent the day looking around Malaga, and got my dose of culture by visiting the Museo Picasso Malaga. Tomorrow, I´ll be catching the ferry to Tangier - so I´ll be saying goodbye to Europe and hello to Africa. This is my last day in Europe for some time! The centre of Malaga has some interesting things to see - its been a city since the Phoenicians founded it. It also looked very stunning from the plane when we were coming in to land; framed by mountains and the ... read more
Roman Theatre in Malaga

Europe » United Kingdom » England » West Yorkshire » Leeds November 30th 2004

I finally sold the house on Friday 26th of November - so I've now got the funds for my travels for the next 3 years. I moved out of the house in Leeds on Friday, and at the moment I am staying at friends houses whilst I sort out all the bills and finances. The flight is booked for Sunday 5th of December from Stansted. My plan is to travel to most countries in the world in the next few years. The first leg will be in Africa, which should take about a year. I start this Sunday by flying to Malaga and getting the ferry to Tangier.... read more

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