Page 5 of DaveandIssy Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Astypalea August 30th 2023

We’re on the move again today; this time it’s a two or so hour ferry ride south-east to the island of Astypalea. But first it’s “show and tell” time for the Rembrandts and their small band of supporters. I could feel the tension building at dinner last night. The main question on everyone’s lips seemed to be how their masterpieces were going to be judged. No one seemed overly impressed with my idea that we hold up cards with scores out of ten, and the bottom ranked two then have a paint-off to see who gets kicked off the tour. Issy was so nervous about the prospect of the ordeal that she tossed and turned all night, slept through the alarm and missed the whole thing. It all turned out to be quite tame. The Rembrandts ... read more

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Amorgos August 29th 2023

Issy joins the Rembrandts for a morning of drawing on the hotel terrace, while I head off on what I think I‘m entitled to call a pilgrimage. Amorgos Pilgrimage Route Number 5 should lead me to the Stavros Holy Church which is near the north-eastern end of the island. The track starts off as a wide concrete path, but it seems that was only put there to lull us prospective pilgrims into a false sense of security. I’m not far out of Lagada when the route turns off the main path and deteriorates into a steep, narrow, windy, rocky goat track. For the first time since we arrived here there aren’t any clouds swirling around the peaks; the sky’s clear and it’s hot. The views down over Lagada, Aegiali and across to some of the neighbouring ... read more
Church of St John the Theologian
Amorgos local
View towards Aegiali

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Amorgos August 28th 2023

Today I’ll be joining the Rembrandts for a bus ride twenty or so kilometres south to the town of Chora. It seems that Chora just means "town" in Greek, and if you use Google Maps to try to find out where it is, well let’s just say that you’ll need to be prepared to spend quite a while sorting through a multitude of options until you find “your” Chora. But it could be worse. Fortunately not every town in Greece is called Chora, which must be a relief to Greek postmen; the name’s usually reserved just for the main town on each island. As we learned a couple of days ago there’s only six odd thousand of those. I guess a few of them might be uninhabited, so that might narrow down the list a bit…. ... read more
Holy Monastery of the Virgin Mary Chozoviotissa

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Amorgos August 27th 2023

I sleep a little restlessly. I don’t think I was too worried about us getting broken into, mugged and robbed. Our host Mikail told us last night that it’s so safe here that the crime rate is negative. I’m not quite sure what that actually means. I haven’t noticed any criminal types wandering the streets handing out money. I think what I was probably a little concerned about were hazards of the natural variety. Just before I turned the light off I was reading that there was a 7.7 magnitude earthquake here in 1956 that generated a thirty metre high tsunami. Fifty-three people died and more than a hundred were injured. I’m fairly sure we’re high enough up in the mountains to avoid a tsunami, but the cliffs towering above us didn’t look all that stable ... read more
Lagada village

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Amorgos August 26th 2023

Today we head two hours east across the water to our next destination, the smaller island of Amorgos. The only two wheels on one of our two suitcases have now both stopped fulfilling their only function in life, that is to rotate. We’ve been dragging that lump of lead of a suitcase around through airports and up and down narrow cobbled alleyways for a couple of weeks now, which hasn’t been doing a lot for our collective senses of humour, or our shoulder sockets. I’m now left wondering a bit how travellers managed back in the days before wheels on suitcases were a thing. I tried picking the whole dead weight up a few times and carrying it, and always gave that up as a bad joke very quickly. Maybe people just packed less back then ... read more
Hotel decor, Naxos

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Paros August 25th 2023

Today the Rembrandts and I are swapping places; they’re heading off up into the mountains in the middle of the island, while I head across the water to the neighbouring island of Paros. No one seems to be too sure about the details of the Rembrandt’s itinerary. I hope they’re not planning on trying to scale Mount Zas. My body’s gone on strike this morning after yesterday’s climb, and I think its message to me is something along the lines of “you’re not twenty-one any more, what the f**k were you thinking”. I’m trying to put the pain out of my mind, but I’m now forced to remember - four hours spent scrambling up and down hundreds of metres of near vertical rock faces on my hands and knees in searing heat. What was I thinking? ... read more
Panagia Ekatontapiliani side chapel
Paralia Parikia Beach
Panagia Ekatontapiliani

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Naxos August 24th 2023

Today I’m hoping to tick off a bucket list item. It’s something else that we didn’t quite get around to last year, a climb up the mighty Mount Zas. OK so it’s not Everest, but it is still a very respectable 1,004 metres high, or 1,001 metres or 999 metres, depending on which source you believe, which either way makes it the highest mountain in the Cyclades. I follow Issy and the rest of the Rembrandts down to the port where they’ll be spending their morning producing masterpieces. I then bid my beloved farewell and board a bus for the ride up into the centre of the island to the start of the climb. I’m dropped off seemingly in the middle of nowhere just past the village of Filoti. The first few hundred metres is up ... read more
Looking west from the summit of Mount Zas
Filoti village from the start of the Mount Zas track
Start of the Mount Zas track

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Naxos August 23rd 2023

Today we head across to the island of Naxos where we start our twenty day art tour of the South Aegean, or should I say Issy’s twenty day art tour. As I think I might have mentioned previously, I couldn’t draw a stick figure if my life depended on it, so I’ve come along purely for the ride. Issy on the other hand is a very talented artist, something she of course denies, and when she reads this I’ll probably be in trouble. So if these blog entries suddenly stop appearing …. We think the party’s probably about twenty strong. Issy knows a handful of them; other than my beloved I know precisely one. As we wait to board our flight it’s a bit hard not to notice a group of ten or so Aussies who ... read more

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens August 22nd 2023

Today we’ve got a long and convoluted day of travelling from Monopoli to Athens … via Rome. So that would be five hours on a train going 500 or so kilometres in the wrong direction, followed by six quality hours waiting in an airport, followed by a plane flight. And after half an hour of that flight we’ll be back over Monopoli again. So after eleven and a half hours of tiring travelling we will have made zero nett progress. Zero. I call that cruel. It’s an early start, and too early it seems for Monopoli’s taxi drivers. They’d apparently be more than happy to take our money if we were going far enough to make it worth their while, but for the sake of the couple of kilometres to the station it seems they’d all ... read more

Europe » Italy » Basilicata » Matera August 21st 2023

The plan for today is to take a trip to the town of Matera which is around 80 kms inland from Monopoli. It seems to come up pretty regularly on lists of must-see places in Italy, so why then do they seem to have made it so hard to get to? Maybe the plan is to stop it getting overrun with tourists? If that’s the case why haven’t they tried something similar in places that are already overrun, like say Venice - surely it wouldn’t be that hard to blow up the only bridge and make people swim there. Anyway, back to the real world … My ever-reliable app that shows us how we can get from anywhere to anywhere else in the world tells me that I can get there on a bus …. in ... read more
 Chiesa di San Francisco d’Assisi, Matera

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