Page 4 of D MJ Binkley Travel Blog Posts

” Dave has pleasant childhood memories of going camping at age 14 with his father on Prince Edward Island. From early in our marriage, I’ve heard his reminiscences. It was a joy to experience this location with Dave.” Merry Jo There are times when you gather your expectations, only to see them exceeded by what is conceivably some of the most pleasant scenery acre for acre in our travels. Prince Edward Island, part of the Maritime Provinces of Canada is such a place. On this trip we are traveling with our friends Chuck and Martha who live near St. Louis. We all met when we were working in Pittsburgh more than a few years back and now finally had the opportunity explore a new place together. We landed in Halifax, Nova Scotia, scooped up ... read more
North Cape Lighthouse
Lobster Roll baby
Boardwalk trail to the beach at Greenwich Dunes

Europe » Italy » Sardinia » Alghero May 31st 2022

Our time in Sicily had come to an end…..and frankly, we were ready. Our last stop in Palermo rekindled our warmth for the province, but still, we found ourselves eager to move on. With many years of international travel, we had faced many hurdles, but between being eager to depart Sicily and the challenges we faced, it made for some frustration. When you travel, things will occasionally go awry, but this travel day had special challenges…. Travel Challenges It would prove to be a test of our travel mettle and for us, that is saying something. We had arranged with the hotel for a taxi to pick us up in Palermo at 430am and take us to the airport for our flight to Sardinia. The taxi didn’t show up so we made a call to another ... read more
Stunning Sardinian seaside
Driving in the Sardinian countryside.
Church in Olbia

Europe » Italy » Sicily » Palermo May 24th 2022

It is fair to say that we enjoyed our time in Sicily and saw many amazing things as it is an arceiological paradise that we will tell you about, but in our opinion, Sicily needs a coat of love and care, a bit of paint and have the garbage picked up sooner. Now, before you simply move on to another blog or just take a peak at our pictures, we implore you to read the entire blog because overall, we experienced a roller coaster relationship with this province of Italy and we’d like to tell you why. Sicily is a hard one for us to describe as we didn’t fall in love with it the way we have other parts of Italy. Sicily has a tough veneer and is a bit dingy in places. But not ... read more
Colorful streets in Catania
Evening in Ragusa
Fish and Lemons

Europe » Malta » Malta » Rabat May 9th 2022

With a two-year delay resulting from the pandemic, it had proven to be a long wait to gather with those who share our immense desire to travel and see the world. As you read this, you will immediately recognize it if you already possess this “trait.” It is an innate sort of thing, a scratch that can only be itched by getting on the web, reading about foreign lands, and then putting plans in place to visit. We can almost see you nodding your head…. you are our people. Travelers Century Club Amid an almost eight-week voyage for us, the Traveler’s Century Club International Conference was to be the centerpiece of our trip. A chance to connect with people from all over the world and various walks of life and bask in their company. We certainly ... read more
Entryway to our Bnb
The indefatigable Tim Skeet!!
Maltese Dancing

Europe » Greece » Attica » Athens » Pláka May 2nd 2022

We have long looked forward to the Athens portion of this trip as we would have the opportunity meet up with Dave’s sister Susan and her husband Jeff. We knew this would be a special travel treat. Susan and Jeff have worked hard over the years, plus they raised and home schooled six children. They intended to go to Greece on their anniversary many years ago. Life events kept postponing the trip—but it is happening now! We are thrilled to be able to join them for a few days. We have not been to Greece since 2003—it was one of our early trips out of the country. We arrived in Athens a few days before them and eagerly awaited their arrival. After getting settled in our hotel located in the old and historic Plaka District, we ... read more
The Acropolis at night....
Gold face plates for burial 16th century BC
Light through the temple

Europe » Monaco April 25th 2022

The next leg of this trip required an early morning transit on Corsica Ferries to Nice as we were asked to arrive an hour before departure. From Bastia it is a five or more-hour ferry crossing. We selected a day cabin so we could stretch out if we wanted but at the very least would have a secure place to leave our luggage if we hung out on deck watching the world go by. The ferry pulled out shortly after the 7:30am scheduled departure time which would deposit us in Nice around 1:00pm. It was great being on deck to bid a farewell to Bastia and take a few last snapshots. We do enjoy planning trips ourselves as it allows us to pick when and where we travel and at what speed. We've enjoyed moving slowly ... read more
View from our cabin
Car from Goldfinger! 007.
Scenic Corsica

Europe » France » Corsica » Calvi April 24th 2022

And so another adventure begins….this one will take us many places in the Mediterranean, but first, to Paris for two nights. You’ve got to start somewhere, so why not Paris? Two nights in Paris is never enough but two weeks or two months may not be either. France required a “health pass” when we planned this travel experience, so the thinking was it would be simple enough to get this done in Paris and why not stay for another night before heading on? Fortunately, before we arrived things improved, and the requirement was dropped. So, instead of running around doing paperwork we were able to just run around. We were pleasantly surprised by 70 degree sunny days as the weathermen had promised us cloudy, rainy and low 60 degree temperatures. We checked out some familiar sites ... read more
Good Friday procession in Sartene
Stunning vista on mountain roads
River outside Corte

Middle East » Saudi Arabia » Buraydah March 6th 2022

Our last few days in Saudi Arabia continues to delight and amaze. There seems to be no end to the variety of things to see and do. But then again, we're just giddy tourists drinking in what this country has to offer. It's not that we are easily amused, we just never tire of taking in our surroundings and learning more about this desert nation. The western tourists will definitely enjoy their time here as they learn the rich culture and history of Saudi. On a rather cloudy (yes, cloudy) morning, our bus driver departed from the sealed road and drove on an unmarked road which brought us to the edge of an extinct volcano. We've learned that since tourism is in its infancy here that guides and drivers take on even more responsibility as they ... read more
Beauty camels have large lips
Beautiful Lady
This gentleman studied in Oklahoma City

Middle East » Saudi Arabia » Ha'il March 4th 2022

After all those years of travel, there we were......on a highway to Ha'il. It was inevitable of course. Not because we lived a lifestyle that would lead us to the fiery depths of Hades, but rather because we were continuing our journey in Saudi and the path was straight to a city in the middle of nowhere really. In a country as large as Saudi Arabia the drives are long from town to town. This part of the country is rather desolate, and it was a bit cloudy to boot. Lacking the sunshine, the desert didn’t have the beauty it had a few days ago. As a matter of fact, it looked a tad ugly. We’d been told we would have a picnic in a unique place because there weren’t any restaurants in this isolated section ... read more
Women Shop Vendors
Father and Daughter
Ancient Pictographs

Middle East » Saudi Arabia » Al-'Ula March 3rd 2022

Saudi Arabia is known for the largest sand desert in the world. Not to get too technical, but don't get hung up on the word "desert" here as many locations in the world have deserts. But....Saudi Arabia has both a desert and the requisite sand. And that is what most people think of when they think of a desert. For contrast, Antarctica is technically a desert....but most do not think of it that way. Meanwhile..... Our trip continued to take us deeper into the desert. We are traveling by bus and our time driving down the highways give us time to have deeper discussions and ask questions we may not want to ask in a public area. As we are a small group, this better facilitates such discussions. Our local guide Saad continues to give us ... read more
Tomb at Hegra
Balloon Glow
We love the lonely roads

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