Page 22 of Ali Travel Blog Posts

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City April 17th 2002

One of the stereo-typical questions that people around the world will ask me upon discovering I'm English will be "Have you met the Queen?" - I haven't so yesterday I went to Buckingham Palace to change that.She was really nice - sat down for a cup of tea - corgies running amuck in the royal tea room. Chatted about the state of the nation and the weather. Well OK, I visited the outside of Buckingham palace anyway - I don't think the Queen was even around - probably at Sandringham.My trip to London was for a couple of reasons, firstly I met up with my former boss and colleagues to have lunch - pizza - and we chatted and they wished me well - the suggestion of moving the department out to New Zealand was made ... read more
St James Park
Big Ben

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Essex » Billericay April 10th 2002

So my travel website so far consists of going into work and staying at home. I promise it will get better soon :) But I've been making the most of my time off - I've spent several hours playing my guitar with Weezer - well their CD. I've also played on my playstation 2 for hours on end - it's just like being a student again! I'm still debating on getting a round the world ticket as opposed to single flights. The plus side of the round the world ticket is that its cheaper, and my trip is more organised. The down sides are that I might end up rushing my trip when I don't really need to. I think overall the round the world ticket has it. So I'm looking for places to get one.Here ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Essex » Billericay April 6th 2002

I have about 2 weeks left in Billericay - it's been my home for the last 18 months. But in order to see the world I've sold up and am moving out. I went to Chelmsford around lunch time - picked up a Lonely Planet guide to Baja California, looks fantastic whale watching, deserts, surfing and cycling. I will definetely make sure I visit there on my travels. I spents some time in Norsey Wood - one of the best features of Billericay, ancient coppiced woodland consisting largely of Sweet Chesnut. At this time of year spring is just kicking and vast swaves of Woodland Anemones carpet the ground. Usually I run around it but with my slight hangover a walk was all I could manage, got some nice pictures though. I've just been watching the ... read more
My house.
Wood Anenomes
Inside my home

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City April 5th 2002

Today is my last working day before starting a new life of travel and leisure. As working days go today is going to be pretty good. Arriving a little on the late side, going for a long lunch and then leaving early to host my leaving drinks. I've worked in an investment bank Lehman Brothers in the City for the last nine months, but it isn't really what I want to do long term - I don't think I'm well suited to financial corporate life. (Hi everyone from Lehman's) Lunch - first we tried the trendy city pub just behind Liverpool St. station, but no joy, huge queues and a 45 min wait for food. So we went to one of my favourite places in the area Old Spitalfields Market. Lots of (relatively) cheap food and ... read more
Inside Hamilton Hall
Leaving Drinks
Lehman Brothers

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