Island Hopping - Ko Tao and Ko Samui

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August 9th 2009
Published: October 5th 2009
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 Video Playlist:

1: Canapy Tour 15 secs
2: Meagan Zip-line 20 secs
3: Tim Zip-Lining 17 secs
4: Meagan in the Roller Ball 54 secs
We also spent time on 2 other east coast islands Ko Tao and Ko Samui.
Ko Tao the smallest of the 3 islands It's surrounded by corral reefs. The number one thing to do here is dive. With more people getting their diving license here then any other spot on the planet. Plenty of choices of dive operators. We ended up diving with Scuba Junction one of the smaller operations, but very professional. I did 4 dives in the 3 days we spent there, Meagan also took a discover scuba course.
It's a very simple life here on Ko Tao: Our mornings where spent diving. Afternoons are spent hanging out on the beach. Evenings are for watching the sunset and having dinner and drinks on the beach.

Ko Samui the resort island of the 3. It is known to have some of the best beaches in the world. The easy excess with a international airport on the island makes it a destination for European and North American tourist. With that the price of everything on Ko Samui is 2-3 times higher then the other islands. We spent 3 days here and and did the usual tourist stuff. Zip-line 150ft above the jungle floor gliding from one tree top to another.Meagan tried the roller-ball, A big rubber-ball she climbed into and was then pushed down a hill (Check out the video).
We also did a day trip over to Ang Thong Marine Park.

Tim and Meagan

Additional photos below
Photos: 47, Displayed: 22


6th December 2010
Meagan and her New Friend

Cute, Cute, Cute........
This is such a sweet picture! Is the little guy a howler or a spider monkey? Maybe a squirrel monkey? Slainte', Maegi

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