Travel Day 16 / Training Day 12

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March 25th 2024
Published: March 26th 2024
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Up and coming championsUp and coming championsUp and coming champions

Yesterday, the kids were burning off their seemingly endless energy in the ring.
Now entering the final week of the trip with 4 more training days to go. This morning I got a good stretch in before leaving and felt pretty good. The BTS was very empty this morning, but the road and people traffic this morning was the same as every workday. I got to the gym at 7:30 and no one was there. Even the gate was mostly shut. That must mean the victory celebration lasted well past when I left yesterday. I slid quietly inside, dropped the bag and then headed out for my morning run. Not as easy as I was hoping, but I did pound out my 8 laps in 30 minutes. Had a small cramp in my leg but only on the last lap. It was a tough run to get through this morning. Jump rope helped the cramp go away and I did intervals of jumping for about 18 minutes, because I did have more breaks today. Fahlaep worked out three others before me so I spent time on the heavy bag for 4 rounds. Still feeling a bit slow but that likely will go away when the pads start. The first round was the normal sequence
Official morning routineOfficial morning routineOfficial morning routine

This is the routine posted at the gym. It’s sort of a guideline as most people do various other things. Jumprope isn’t listed, but everyone does it, and there are few who do the morning running. A good outline of things to do.
of punches and kicks, but many more high and low blocks with counter kicks. And lots of elbows, left and right, side and up and down. The elbows were used very effectively by the fighters over the weekend. Round 2 was power kicks, but no series of 10 or 20 kicks in either the 1st or 2nd round. Fahlaep was into a bit of clinching today. Maybe because he has already run through 3 others already. Trying to hold my own against his power is a futile effort. When he was done letting me throw knees, he tossed me to the canvas at the end of the round. I was waiting for the challenging third round to kill me, but not today. I did do some kicking, but not the thousands that had been done each day the previous week. This round was a bit of random sparring/clinching, and general pad work when I got tired and broke free of his grip. Round 4 was a bit more freeform, with the pads just going up and I was expected to throw whatever technique was appropriate. That ended up being lots of elbows, and knees. The clinch would start and I
Afternoon workoutAfternoon workoutAfternoon workout

And the posted routine for the afternoon is similar except running is reduced and sparring is added. There hasn’t been too much sparring this time. Just the way things are falling in place with fights and people training or not. Still plenty of work in afternoon!
would have to escape before he tossed me down. This round finished with punches until the buzzer was over, and then getting laid out onto the canvas to be finished. Fahlaep didn’t realize that was all part of my master plan of wearing him out by tossing me around. Luckily, that was the last round for the morning. There was a little time left to hit the weights for a few quick exercises and some sit-ups. Headed back to the hotel at a little slower pace than last week. First workout of the week is a bit tougher to get through. The afternoon will be better.

Part of the return prep was to go to the Boon Sports Outlet that I visited last trip. On that day, it was a terrible rainy day and all I remember was that I was so completely soaked, that it didn’t make sense to even try and stay out of the rain or puddles. Today was totally the opposite, with it being sunny and hot. The maps app showed a different location than before and when I passed the old one, it was definitely gone. Sadly for me, the new location wasn’t accurate either. Couldn’t find it at all and I needed to get to the afternoon workout. I backtracked the route to the BTS station and headed to workout. That was an extra couple of miles walking with nothing to show for it. Very disappointing because they had some nice gear last trip. I was so thirsty from that walk I slammed a Diet Coke before I hit the BTS station. Looks like I’ll be going back to PRIMO. At least I know I can find that one.

Saw Santi on the way into the gym, and caught a short ride. I was about 15 minutes late today, and not feeling that I had to do all the running or jumping after my little side excursion. I did go out and run a leisurely 6 laps and skipped jump rope altogether. Gym crowd was again ok, but maybe 4 or 5 training. I got into the ring for padwork, and went through the standard 4 rounds. This afternoon the 30 second licks were back on the menu. Fahlaep was working more combinations this afternoon with lots of elbows, kick blocks and counter kicks. The pace was up from this morning, and the first round finished with speed left kicks. Great…. I did get through that and almost hit 50, but then again, I didn’t hear when the timer had actually stopped. Second round was similar but a little more free flowing with the pads and some clinches. This round finished with speed kicks on the right. i was starting to run out of gas after about 35, and had to reset my balance, which threw off the whole deal. Once I stopped, he wanted power punches, elbows, knees until whatever was left on the timer expired. The usually brutal third round didn’t have the sets of 10 or 20 kicks, and to be honest, right now I don’t even remember what was in that round. Just a whole lot of everything. The round finished with power kicks alternating right and left. Last round was mostly punching and elbows, with some teeps and knees thrown in just for fun. That round finished with speed/power body punches. it through those, but by the end my arms were shaking from the exertion. Final ice bath after the round, and of course a couple of extra knees into my side let me know I was done. And I really was done. No weights or bag work this afternoon due to the late start. Plus, I wanted to get back early since my legs are a little sore and I’ll probably spend a little time running come cold shower on my feet and legs.


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