Pretty good opening stand

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Asia » Sri Lanka » Southern Province
April 14th 2024
Published: April 14th 2024
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So, volleyball is the national sport of Sri Lanka. You wouldn’t know it, given the number of cricket games we’ve seen in progress, even some with what looked like a tennis ball. But a great bonding opportunity with our driver Nishantha when we can discuss which Big Bash team we follow!

After a long, boring and uncomfortable flight, which was topped off with what seemed like an equally long trip to the terminal, the rest of the formalities went off without a hitch and we arrived at our hotel at around 1am. No one really cared too much about the welcome drink but the aircon was very much appreciated.

We were happy with a relaxed start to the day before a quick tour of Negombo and its lagoon before heading south towards Galle. A lunch stop and back on the road headed south. A suggested stop by our driver, understanding that animals are a big focus of the holiday, was a turtle conservation place.

You’re never sure with these types of places whether you’re contributing to the solution or the problem. But they had a lot of turtles on the go, and we got to see babies and eggs. They seem to take some time and effort to try to make a positive impact for female turtles who may not make it through the early years, hoping to shelter them through adolescence before releasing them. There was also a lot of care given to those who would obviously not survive in the wild due to deformities - humped shells and albinism. It was fascinating to see the green, hawksbill and olive Ridley turtles from babies through to more developed. Also disappointed to learn that the turtles I see in Cabbage Tree Bay are not the solution to the growing swarms of jellyfish.

Back on the road again but the rain put a stop on any idea of a boat trip. We drove through a torrential downpour in Hikkadiwa where the tsunami knocked over a train and trapped many villagers. Managed to find a dry patch in Galle for a wander around the fort area. Fascinating history of Portuguese, Dutch and English occupation resulting in an area not dissimilar in vibe to Stonetown in Zanzibar.

Back on the road and headed to our villa with a couple of stops for supplies. Made it in time for a quick swim before dinner while the spider monkeys leapt, swayed and defied gravity in the trees overhead while we swam, hoping their feast of unripe mangoes wouldn’t result in a shower.

But nature had other ideas and the liquid mango offerings were nothing on the downpour we got - much thunder, a lot of lightning and not very much electricity. But at least we had the dancing fire flies, a delicious curry for dinner and the distant sounds of new years celebrations to keep us alight!!

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