Blogs from South Korea, Asia - page 2


Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Nowon-gu February 22nd 2024

We are keenly aware that for most, South Korea is not on the top of most people’s travel lists. And we will volunteer that this list used to include us as well. So how does one make the decision to hop on a plane and travel some 7700 air miles to visit? Simple…’ve got friends living there and you’ve been invited! Our friends Denise and Galen have been living in Seoul since July. Galen retired from teaching in Los Altos, California after 38 years and wanted to try teaching in a foreign country and was hired by Asia Pacific International School in Nowon-Gu. With an invitation to visit them, there really is no way to say no to such a wonderful opportunity to explore a new place with friends. Most travelers have a bucket list of ... read more
 Dongdaemun Design Plaza
Air Canada  Business Class
Monk at Temple

Asia » South Korea » Busan February 11th 2024

Tour Day 123, Cruise Day 25 – “The UN Memorial Cemetery, Busan Museum & Gukje Market” Shore Excursion – Busan (Pusan), South Korea – Korea's UN Memorial Cemetery honors fallen United Nations soldiers killed in battle during the Korean War from 1950 to 1953. This serene park spreads across a grassy plain, with memorial sites including the Memorial Service Hall, Memorabilia Hall, two Turkish monuments, the Greek Monument, Australian Monument, British Commonwealth Monument and two ponds. At the Busan Museum, discover seven regular exhibition rooms spread over three floors, as well as the Kiln Exhibition Hall and the Outdoor Exhibition Hall. The museum's role is to showcase traditional culture through a wealth of excavated relics and meticulous research. Artifacts housed here range from the Prehistoric Age to the modern period. Pagodas, Buddhist statues and monuments are ... read more
“The UN Memorial Cemetery, Busan Museum & Gukje Market” Shore Excursion – Busan (Pusan), South Korea
“The UN Memorial Cemetery, Busan Museum & Gukje Market” Shore Excursion – Busan (Pusan), South Korea
“The UN Memorial Cemetery, Busan Museum & Gukje Market” Shore Excursion – Busan (Pusan), South Korea

Asia » South Korea » Seoul December 28th 2023

Diese Woche bin ich zu meinem zweiten Aufenthalt in Fernost in diesem Jahr und meiner fünften privaten Flugreise in 16 Monaten aufgebrochen. Da ich in der Stadt des zweitgrößten deutschen Flughafens wohne, konnte ich direkt mit Lufthansa nach Seoul Incheon fliegen. Dort war ich schon einmal 2002 zu einem sechswöchigem SAP Einsatz. Diesmal stieg ich hier in ein Flugzeug der China Airlines (nicht zu verwechseln mit Air China der Volksrepublik) zum Weiterflug nach Taipeh um. Dort nahm ich einen Flughafenexpress, der aber teilweise schon recht langsam fuhr und insgesamt rund 40 Minuten brauchte, in das Stadtzentrum. Von hier waren es nur noch ein paar U-Bahnstationen bis zu meinem 5-Sternhotel und ich war froh, dieses endlich zu erreichen. Es gibt dort ein chinesisches Restaurant, welches an dem Tag leider geschlossen hatte. Von daher hätte ich die Wahl ... read more
Mein Flugzeug der China Airlines für den Flug nach Taipeh.
Mein 5-Sterne-Hotelzimmer in Taipeh.
Ausblick auf das nächtliche Taipeh.

Asia » South Korea » Busan October 12th 2023

Gyeongju is a historic small town on the eastern side of Korea; the old town is surrounded by 38 burial mounds. These are smooth half dome hillocks covered in short grass, each up to 22m high, and dotted apparently randomly across fields and parks. The tombs date from the 4th and 5th centuries and there is just one that you can go inside where there is a stone coffin in the centre, together with replicas of the gold jewellery and functional items that were found buried with the king in his tomb. To add to the historic feel of the town, Gyeongju's narrow streets are lined with Hanok houses, either ancient restored houses or more recently built replicas. Our small guest house is a Hanok house; we sleep on mats and eat traditional food at breakfast ... read more
Temple lanterns, hopes and wishes
Bullet train
Skim Fest

Asia » South Korea » Seoul October 9th 2023

First a stopover, just 30 hours to see Doha. Our plane from London is full of Formula One teams - Aston Martin, Alpine, McLaren and Williams. It is the Qatar Grand Prix next weekend and all the talk on the plane is of temperatures. We land in the early evening, the temperature is 35c but it will drop to around 30c overnight, only to rise again to 40c tomorrow. And this isn't summer, it's October! The next day we're out early to beat the heat and visit the corniche where traditional wooden dhows bob about at the water's edge. Across the bay, the skyscrapers in the central business district reflect the morning sun - it could be New York or Hong Kong, an international high-rise cityscape. After a short walk we head into the souk, which ... read more
Night market
Gyeongbokguna palace
Queueing for trendy coffee shop in Hanok costumes

Asia » South Korea » Seoul August 22nd 2023

Andra dagen (och den sista, för den här gången) i Seoul. Tycker jag kom in i rätt tid hyggligt snabbt. Tror det är åtta timmars skillnad mot hemma så lite förvånande. Vaknade hyggligt utvilad och planen för dagen är att besöka ett jättestort tempel, gå på matmarknad och leta upp nånstans där jag kan se på bronsmatchen mellan Australien och Sverige. Då jag ska flyga ut tidigt på söndag morgon snålade jag in på hotell, tänkte ta några - typ sex timmar i en vilstol på loungen på flygplatsen och innan dess skulle jag "dygna" som Sandra brukar säga. Jag tror det betyder att man hänger i så länge det går innan man åker iväg nånstans och jag antar att detta dygnande kombineras med alkohol. Eftersom jag inte reser med incheckat bagage så behöver man ju ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul August 22nd 2023

Bilder från dag två I Seoul... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul August 20th 2023

Seoul i Sydkorea. ' Vad får du för bild när du tänker på Sydkorea och på huvudstaden Seoul? Fram till för några dagar sedan var min egen bild rätt luddig, nåt OS för många år sedan, hela tiden stök med grannen i norr, Korean BBQ och så känner jag några sköna snubbar med ursprung från Sydkorea. Ungefär så. Mina insikter är något bättre nu. Incheon - flygplatsen - en modern sak där bara en av vingarna i en av terminalerna är lika stor som Arlanda. Det man slås av är att det är så otroligt rent och välhållet. Inte bara på flygplatsen utan i hela stan. Och då inte kliniskt på Singaporianskt höga-böter vis utan jag tror att det beror på att gemene man vill ha det så. Efter lite pyssel med att förstå biljettsystemet för ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul August 18th 2023

Lite bilder första dagen i Seoul. ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul June 23rd 2023

21st to 26th April 2023 - I travelled on a 5-day tour to South Korea with a travel company in Hanoi. There were 25 Vietnamese tourists and a tour guide who was with us during the whole tour. The tour cost VND 13.5 million (USD 570). It was inexpensive as Jeju Air re-started their route again after the pandemic and offered a promotion price. In return, we had to follow their program and visited all the stores on the tour. After a hectic trip to Europe last year, I decided to let someone take care of my journey and also wanted to have some companions on the trip. I shared the room with a girl on the tour. We all got along well and I really enjoyed being with these people. The flight from Hanoi to ... read more
Incheon International Airport
Korean women at Gyeongbokgung Citadel, Seoul
Gyeongbokgung Citadel, Seoul

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