Nothing to do while working the nightshift in Korea

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Asia » South Korea » Ulsan
December 15th 2009
Published: December 14th 2009
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I am sitting here during my first night shift...its 5:00am, I feel like shit, I'm hungry but at the same time I am not, im bored...and yet, I step outside and look around me and I am amazed with what I am seeing. I still can't believe that I am working at a Nuclear Reactor in South Korea...if you told me back in August where I am now, I would have said you were crazy! Just the fact that I am in South Korea is enough to lift my spirits. I think about everyone back home living the normal ordinary life, and I am just so glad that I am being a part of something interesting and unique. This experience is life changing, and it's something I will always have under my belt...I worked in South Korea. Better yet, I worked well in South Korea. I survived!

Back in my last year of university as I was planning my backpacking trip around Europe, i knew in the back of my mind that if I could conquer backpacking Europe now, I will be that much more prepared for if or when I needed to travel for work. And I am so glad that I took that chance and backpacked, because little did I know that a few months later I would be coming to Asia. And that backpacking trip totally made me better prepared for doing this...I would have been scared shitless coming here if I hadn't done Europe first.

When I am traveling I start to make sense of who I am and I notice the things that really make me happy. A big part of that comes from the fact that I am independent when I travel. All through university I lived at my mom's house, which was great, but still made me feel restricted. And I still live at my mom's house, although I have felt a bit more like a visitor there the last few months since I have only been home for 1 week at a time before I am going somewhere else. And during those times when I do come home, there great, don't get me wrong, but I still fall back into that restricted feeling. It feels like I go back to my old ways...and I just crave being out there again. I feel different when I am traveling. Discovering this difference is one of the many great benefits that traveling offers, and it's hard to explain it to someone unless they have gone through it, or are going through it.


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