The buses are leaving!

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Asia » South Korea » Taejon
February 27th 2012
Published: February 27th 2012
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Ok. So the bus to Youngcheon, where I will be living for the next year or so, is leaving in like 30 minutes! So... I can't write much, but I did want to give everyone a heads up that I don't know when I'll get my Alien Registration Card, which means I don't know when I'll be able to set up phone and internet service at my new place, so you guys may not hear from me for a while. Maybe just a few days, or even as long as a month. Ugghh I hope not that long. Last night we had a closing ceremony where the program directors wished us well, and then a big farewell dinner with everything I love to eat. Even... ribs! It was great. I'll post more as soon as I can. Take care, everyone!


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