Sokcho Beach

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May 5th 2009
Published: May 6th 2009
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Tuesday we spent the day laying out on the beach. I knew that I would get a little burnt, but I had no idea it would be as bad as it was! I had SPF 45 on, but i'm not used to rubbing lotion on. Usually I buy the stuff in the aerosol can and spray it on, so I never miss a spot, well I missed some spots, and you can tell over my akwardly lobstered body!

It was something else though, you could tell who the foreigners were on the beach becuase we were the only ones in bathing suits. All of the Koreans were there in long sleeves and long pants, and if they went in the water they went in fully clothed. I've never been to the beach where everyone was covering up. Doesn't make sense to go to the spa and everyone's naked, you go to the beach and they're covering everything up!

We walked around the city for a while, and by far my favorite part was this courtyard where you could rent those little battery operated cars that toddlers drive around in. There must have been 30 kids 1-4 years of age driving around this courtyard in those little buggies. It was SO cute! I was in love with it!

Not much to write about this day, just a relaxing day on the beach!

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15th May 2009

No on showing skin:
Perhaps they KNEW they would get burned so they kept covered up. When in Rome.... you should do as the Romans. Ha.
1st August 2009

hi again
Beach dosen't look too crowded either. Those kids will be engineers for Kia in the future.

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