Blogs from Seoul, South Korea, Asia - page 5


Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu October 15th 2016

Part 3 des ersten Tages. Zur Information, ich bin schon den dritten Tag hier. Hoffentlich vergesse ich alles Andere nicht. Wir waren stehen geblieben bei dem kleinen Spaziergang zu meinem Quartier der nächsten Tage. Wir mussten nur einmal um die Ecke gehen und schon waren wir da - der City Park. Der Teil mit der City stimmte schon mal, denn ich schaute zu riesigen Wolkenkratzer empor. Jedoch von einem Park war nichts zu sehen. Doch! Da! Zwischen den Hochhäusern schlängelte sich eine kleine Grünanlage hindurch. Es sah so ähnlich aus wie in einem Hotel und dieser Eindruck wurde später nochmal verstärkt. Wir gingen zum Eingang des Gebäudes und wurden auch sofort von einem Portier (es stellte sich später heraus, dass es 3 Portiers gab - Mr. Kim, Mr. Kim und Mr. Lee) begrüßt. Sehr nobel dachte ... read more
Han River
perfekt zum Entspannen

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu October 14th 2016

So, wo waren wir stehen geblieben? Achja, beim Ankommen am Incheon Flughafen, also .... Da stand ich nun - allein, aufgeregt und von Müdigkeit war nichts zu spüren. BIIEP! BIIEP! "Willkommen in Südkorea. Für Anrufe nach Deutschland und vor Ort zahlen Sie 2,99€/Min, für ankommende Anrufe 1,53€/Min. und 0,46€/SMS. Mir blieb kurz die Spucke weg. Aber ich dachte mir, wieso würde ich ins Ausland anrufen? Mit Mama schreibe ich über WhatsApp und mit meinen Freunden über Facebook? Tja, falsch gedacht, aber dazu kommen wir später. Wie jeder gute Tourist und Reiseanfänger folgt man am besten dem Strom, die wissen schon wo es lang geht. Wir kamen an eine Zugstation die uns zur Gepäckausgabe und Passkontrolle brachte. Doch zuerst war ich mir unsicher ob ich hier auch richtig wäre. Und was tut man in so einer Situation? ... read more
Seoul Skyline
Seoul Skyline

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Yongsan-gu October 13th 2016

Hi! Ich melde mich zurück aus dem wunderschönem Seoul! Im Moment sitze ich auf meinem gemütlichen Ausziehsofa und bewundere die wunderschöne Nachtaussicht Seouls. Doch ich fange lieber von vorn an... 12.10.2016 Fahrt nach Frankfurt Nach einem etwas verspäteten Start saßen wir 10:15 endlich im Auto (geplant war 9:30 Es wurde noch schnell etwas Motoröl gekauft und und schon ging es Richtung Frankfurt/Main. Auf der Fahrt dorthin hörten wir ,zur Einstimmung auf die kommenden Tage (und zu Papas Leid und meiner Freude), ununterbrochen koreanische Popmusik. Ich hatte meinen Spaß dabei, Papa allerdings nicht. Er belächeltet mich nur und meinte: ,,Du bist schon anders als die Anderen..", aber diesen Satz kannte ich schon. Nach 1 1/2 Stunden Dörferkunde Thüringens und 1 1/2 Stunden Autobahn, erblickten wir die atemberaubende Skyline Frankfurts. Uns blieb wortwörtlich der ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul October 6th 2016

J’ai pris le ferry depuis Macao, pour me rendre à l’aéroport International de Hong Kong direction Séoul! Ma première motivation était de retrouver Juliette. Ensuite bien évidemment découvrir la capitale de la Corée du Sud et d’autres endroits du Pays: l’île de Jeju, puis Busan. I took the ferry from Macau, to get to the International airport of Hong Kong, to fly to Séoul! My very first motivation was to visit Juliette. Then, of course, it was to discover the capital of South Korea, so as other places in this country: The Island of Jeju and then Busan. Dès que je suis arrivée, je me suis directement sentie en pleine sécurité, les gens dans les rues semblaient cools, détendus, respectueux, ouverts d’esprits, en résumé leur démarche montre tout de suite qu’ils sont gentils. Ensuite les rues ... read more
Michigan House
Michigan House

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Insadong October 5th 2016

We spent May and June packing and preparing to vacate our apartment in Kaohsiung and leave Taiwan. What a fabulous 3 years we spent living in and learning about a different culture. It rained heavily the last 5 days we were in Kaohsiung and that made moving boxes, closing accounts and ending services a bit of a challenge. The rain had gotten to us. We were drying our clothes in the apartment, in the closet, with the fan blowing and AC on. We've had enough dinners and alcohol to last awhile. All packing and shipping was done, the apartment is as we found it 3 years earlier, and we headed out the door with Caroline and Mr. Chen hugging us and saying farewell....for now. We were sad to see our scooters go to their new owners, ... read more
Myeong-dong Street
Currencies of the world
DMZ - Demilitarized Zone

Asia » South Korea » Seoul September 22nd 2016

We decided to combine my work trip to Korea with a bit of a holiday as it's one of the few Asian countries (depending on your definition of Asia) we haven't yet explored. Our flight from Melbourne to Seoul included a brief stop over in Sydney; we arrived at the gate for the second leg of the trip just as boarding was commencing...perfect timing. After another 10.5 hour flight we landed in Seoul, grabbed our bags and hopped into a taxi. About an hour later we arrived at our hotel in Sinsa, which is on the southern side of the Han River. After checking in and dropping off our bags we headed out for a walk around our hotel. Our hotel was located nearby Garosu-gil which is one of the main shopping streets in Seoul. After ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam September 10th 2016

South Korea: On my last trip I didn’t use any of the airline points I had acquired traveling as a consultant. This time I redeemed points for a 1 way to Seoul in business class on Korean Air. I had never flown business class on an intercontinental flight. After the flight I realized why everyone raves about it. I was able to lie down completely vertical and got a good 7 hours of sleep. I also picked up a pair of noise cancelling headphones (not sure if I was allowed to but no one stopped me as I walked off the plane with them in clear sight). I flew on an Airbus A380. This was the same aircraft I took to Asia on my last trip. The entire upstairs was business class. I watched Nixon & ... read more
Changdoekgung Palace
Korean BBQ with John
Bridge of Freedom

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam August 15th 2016

Last day in Korea was a quiet one. Today is a holiday (National Liberation Day) so many stores are closed. We went for a walk and had some chicken and beer for lunch. Heat was still very strong so we decided to go back to the air conditioned apartment until the evening. Halahbujee had dinner plans at 6p to meet a second set of friends. RoAnJoSo hit Gangnam to see the night life it is so famous for. We went to a different area of Gangnam (more south than where we were the first time) and it did not disappoint. This area is pulsing with bars, karaoke bars, shopping (both stores and street vendors). Side alleys hold an incredible amount of restaurants making it very difficult to settle on one place to eat. Everything from Taco ... read more
Gangnam at night
Strawberry-ade and Grapefruit-ade were delicious!
Sophie was in heaven with all that pasta

Asia » South Korea » Seoul August 12th 2016

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELKE!!!!!!! Everyone slept in until 9a today. Plan was to take it easy after 7 days/6 nights of very full days during the bus tour. Halahbujee slept for most of the day. The rest of us took a walk around the hotel area and had donkatsu (breaded pork cutlet) and breaded chicken for lunch. It was another hot day. The kind where you sweat just standing. We stopped at a bakery and bought Korean bread, which JoSo found a little sweeter and more flavourful than Canadian bread, and a blueberry and cream filled bun. Both were delicious. The blueberry and cream bun wasn't as sweet as one may be used to in Canada, but it was still sweet enough to satisfy a sweet tooth craving. We called our aunt and uncle in Pyeongchang and ... read more
Street dancers doing K-Pop songs
Who is that guy taking a picture of the street singer?
Come on Jon, let's go for some wine/cocktails!

Asia » South Korea » Seoul August 4th 2016

9:30a start to the day. With weather continuing to be burning hot, we decided that one palace was enough and took the subway to the largest of the 5 palaces in Seoul, Gyeongbokgung Palace, in west part of Seoul. Many tourists here – busloads of Chinese visitors, and despite the sweltering heat, many chose to wear hambok (Korean traditional dress). In the back garden of the palace is Hyangwonjeong Pavilion and Pond. Many parties were apparently held here by King Gojong. After Gyeongbokgung, we too subway to Namsangol Hanok Village. “Hanok” means traditional Korean house. There are several such hanok villages throughout Korea. This one is very beautiful with lots of gorgeous landscapes and magnificently recreated traditional buildings. The entire area would take 3 hours to cover. We did about half. We decided to go back ... read more
More interesting subway art
Meeting in the meeting place
Gyeongbokgung Palace

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