here comes the sun

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March 29th 2009
Published: March 29th 2009
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It is almost 2:30 am on Sunday night (morning) and I can NOT sleep. I'm not tired at all, in fact I'm wide awake and I can't relax. I'm just.. AWAKE!

I had a decent day, alright conversation, a good walk, a few laughs, some bad coffee.

I started to get ready for bed to try and trick myself into thinking I was tired. My logic: maybe if I just do the things I do before I go to sleep that would help. I washed my face and brushed my teeth for the 3rd time, I tidied up my kitchen and fluffed my pillows. I turned on my radio to set my alarm - 7:00am. Terrible. My radio used to play songs I could sing along with but now only blasts out whiney Korean music and an annoying Korean talk radio station that I wake up to every morning. Since I have moved here it has always been the same. A man yelling through my radio at me to GET OUT OF BED and teach childrenz go go goooo! It scares me into consciousness every morning.

So I turned it on and suddenly heard the familiar tune of my all time favourite Beatles song..

"Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear"

Ah, the unmistakable voice of George Harrison, that sweet uplifting trio of guitar, flute and...hand clapping? I don't know, but it definitely made me sit up in bed and take notice. I have never ever heard English spoken or sung on this radio since I've lived here. Certainly not anything as awesome as a Beatles classic!

"Here comes the sun, here comes the sun.."

I like that. Little messeges from the universe saying 'Don't MOVE! You are right where you're supposed to be!' Could it have been coincidence? Sure yeah whatever. Point is that this station is ALWAYS in Korean and then I randomly turn it on and it's a beautiful song like magic.

"It's alright, it's alright"



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