mong mong~~

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July 28th 2009
Published: July 28th 2009
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Man that was a terrible paper. So terrible. I stayed up until ~0700 writing it and then went down to the lounge to print it out. I COULDN'T! what the heck, right? So the way it works here is there's this 'username/password' you need to make in order to print with these computers. And then you have to deposit money into the account so that it can subtract from there. Anyhow, it was really lame and wouldnt let me print and i couldnt figure it out because the error messages that popped up were in korean and no one was up at 0700 to help me out. took a nap ~0730 and woke up at 0850 to rush and get ready for class. Before going to class, though, i had to run to the library in New Millenium Hall, which opens at 0900 so that i could print it there. Luckily it worked.

Was late to psychology. I dont care about that class anymore, as long as I'm there to sign in for attendance. I feel like i was taking notes while i was asleep w/ eyes open. Couldnt stay awake during the film. Basically the same thing happened in Art History--felt like i was taking notes while going in and out of sleep. Turned in paper. My crappy midterm paper got a B, so I'm hoping to get lucky again.

Had lunch in Widang with Stella. She was getting on my nerves a bit today, but I figure I was grouchy and it wasnt her fault. Apparently I hurt her feelings when i 'didnt want her to come' to namsan tower last night, but i thought i was helping her make a decision because i figured she didnt want to say that it was because of david that she didnt want to go. yeah, the girls arent exactly fond of david, did i tell you?

did korean homework at the kitchen. went to korean. the third hour went by very slowly. i signed calvin and myself up to go see Nanta. dont know what it is, except that it's a performance similar to bluemangroup. after class, met up with some people from calvin's class to head to 신촌 for 보신탕boshintang. for those of you who are unfamilar, it's this kind of stew/soup made with dog meat. actually, i believe the translation is 'dog meat soup.' so yeah, i ate dog meat today, and it wasnt bad at all. the others were agreeing that it tastes like ox tail. i didnt know if i could agree with them or not because i'm not sure if ive eaten oxtail (although i feel that that's likely to be one of the ingredients that mama uses to make pho). but anyhow, it tasted like something i've eaten in pho before. maybe not 'taste' but texture.

after that went to 노래방. now we're back home and i really should study for korean. final is monday-tuesday. psych final is on tuesday too.

OH YEAH, change of plans. i'm back to going to the beach this weekend with jasmine누나+crew. it's going to be ryan's(her 남자친구 boyfriend) last weekend here before he moves to china for work. i'm treating them to dinner on friday and we're going to go to B1 afterward. it's going to be my last chance, probably, to see 신원일형Shin Wonil Hyung. B1 is actually where i met the rest of the crew for the first time--that lounge bar if i've mentioned it.

okay, it's midnight...i should sleep. i kind of want to go for a jog. maybe i will.


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