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July 26th 2009
Published: July 26th 2009
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Okay, so as it turns out, Thursday night was not spent at M2. Turns out that we went to the club above M2, lul. Anyhow, Calvin and I spent the 'night' with our new friend Eric Koo from Purdue at a sauna. For some reason we were looking for somewhere to go at 0530 and they decided they wanted to go to a 짐지방jim ji bang(? pardon my spelling/pronunciation). Couldn't find one. So we got into a cab and asked the 아주시(?) to take us to the nearest one. He didn't know where to find one either, so he drove around and dropped us off at a sauna(cant remember the 한글 for sauna). my first experience in a sauna/'public bath'.

boy oh boy-- it was indeed a public bath. woke up in the morning ~1030 to see that i was sleeping in a room with a bunch of other naked 아주시(?). Eric had left earlier, so Calvin and I were walking around trying to find the nearest 지하찰역jihachal yok (subway station). Turns out the cab driver took us to 합정Hapjeong. Subway'd our way back to 신천Sinchon and I got to experience Korean McDonald's Bulgogi Burger. It was pretty refreshing having a burger after all this time eating Korean food, y'know?

Korean people apparently love mayonnaise--I learned this here a few weeks ago. But what really solidified this concept into my brain was what I saw at this McDonald's. z0mg it was as if they just photoshopped bits of mayo right onto pictures of regular burgers. Actually, it was so obvious that I would even venture to say that they used Microsoft Paint to draw them in--I'm serious. So funny. I would have taken a picture of the items on the menu, but...y'know... Oh wait, that's right, you don't know. This happened while I was AWOL from blogging.

2nd week I was here, while I was out chillin' w/ Calvin, Daryl, 'n Stella, my camera stopped working. Yeah, that's basically what happened. Lens just won't work, piece of crap.

Anyhow, after McD's, went w/ Calvin to get his hair cut. It was supposed to be fobby..but it's not very. Finally arrived back in my room ~1330. Rested for a bit and then Calvin and I decided to explore the 이화대Ewha University area to get some fob gear. Got me a Banc shirt...but friggen I had to get an XL because the shoulders were too small on the L..so the shirt is kind of long. Not kule. And also the selection is much more limited in XL size. NOT KULE. But I really wanted a fob shirt. Got me a pair of glasses, too.

Headed back and then did nothing. Ate at The Kitchen. Then saw Stella. Went with her to get food so she wouldn't be alone. Calvin eventually called me later in the evening to tell me he was almost back so we could set up plans for the night. Ended up meeting up with Eric(our new friend from Purdue) and his friends(who were apparently also from Purdue: Sharon, Brian(sp?),and Priscilla) After some getting-to-know-each-other at Bubblekiss we went over to Cocoon. Pretty good night. Randomly saw Eric (Kohl) there. Didn't sleep at a sauna this time.

Saturday, got lunch, relaxed, and then went to 이화대Ewha University area again, this time in search of stuff for Jasmine. She's been so awesome =] Ate at this interesting place w/ Daryl: 제육jaeyook with curry on rice...Very interesting o.O Came home and didn't do anything Saturday night. Was really bored so I ended up sleeping early. Slept for 12 hours. Guess those 2 nights before wore me out more than I thought.

And today was Sunday. Tried looking for somewhere to eat for lunch, but friggen all the restaurants we were closed! At 1300! So wasn't sure if it was because it's Sunday or if it was because people were at church...o.O I studied at this nice little cafe Princeton (insert second half of name I can't remember). Pricey, but very nice.

It's nearly 0300 now...I hope I don't oversleep again tomorrow -__-


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