So many people...

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June 29th 2009
Published: June 29th 2009
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Saturday night, I called John to see what people were up to and they had just gotten out from watching Transformers2 and were gonna grab food. GREAT! That's exactly what I was hoping for. Went out to try and meet them. J and I looked for 2 hours. Nothing. Neither John nor I could navigate without knowing street names. 'Straight' is very difficult and relative when you have streets that bend. But man can J talk. He just keeps going and going.

Sunday morning woke up early to nothing. Then headed to Omokgyo saw Jenny and Eric at the station. Jasmine and her mom picked us up and we headed to another Aunty's house--the home of Sangmin and Kyungmin. Met everyone there. There was a Sareum(?) there too, but I'm not sure how she relates. But anyhow, we had an awesome lunch (bulgogi, japche, this noodle-w-squid-in-korean-sauce, and pancake thing. there seem to be various 'pancake' things because they don't all go by the same name) After lunch the entire family webcammed w/ Daniel's aunt in Danville(is that where she lives?) Well the one in norcal.

We saw videos of Daniel and Stephen from when they were young, lul. Daniel used to be a cute little kid--what happened, man? Kyungmin seems to be the only engineer i've met here in Korea, with the exception of this fobster I met in my dorm. I'm kind of surprised. But maybe I shouldn't be? Iono. Kyungmin dropped us kids off at the subway station and we headed back to Yonsei after they picked up their stuff from their grandparents' place.

We then ate an early dinner because it was too far to go back and then head out again for dinner. Found a place to eat Tak Kalbi(?) It was really good. Headed back to campus without anything to do. Decided we'd watch a movie on my laptop so I brought it over to their dorm. Sat in the lobby and watched it, because that's the only place we're allowed to hang out together -__-. Muak sucks. Seriously: midnight curfew, and strict on the gender-segregation. Met a few people in the KLI program (man they're all young) and then headed back to I-House.

When I got back, there were some people waiting in the lobby for some food they'd ordered. Met them: Calvin, Jessica, Stella, and Darrel. Kule people. They got their food and I headed out with Brad, Justin and their people. The group friggen snowballed. First it was about 5 people. We stopped in the middle of our walk for people to catch up. So then it was like 12 people. And then as we kept walking, these other guys knew someone in the group and they joined us. and then when we got to the bar, BAM, a bunch of other people. I dont know who actually knew whom, but holy crap it was a buttload of people. We broke up into tables. Our table was pretty boring, so people jumped around to other tables after we finished our food. I decided it wasnt my scene and bounced outta there.

The table that everyone moved over to was really loud and 'fun.' But it was just a bunch of dudes yelling...o.O And they were speaking..ghetto(?) i dont know the word, but it just sounded really dumb.
So yeah, it's Monday morning now and I'm waiting for Calvin so we can grab lunch. Peace.


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