First day in Seoul

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Jung-gu
April 10th 2012
Published: March 22nd 2012
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Lotte HotelLotte HotelLotte Hotel

My hotel room
Landed at Incheon, Korea's international airport at 8:25am. The weather was nice. It wasn't to hot or to cold, it was nice and cool. I was very tired and all I just wanted to do was get to my hotel and rest. I caught the limousine bus that went from the airport to my a stop right infront of the Lotte Hotel. The fare was 15 000 won which is about $13. The currency in Korea is Won and the exchange rate is $1 to 1,175.4808Won. I had to wait for about 10 minutes for the bus to come. It took about 70 minute to reach the hotel.

The Lotte Hotel was a nice hotel and the service was pretty good. My room was on the 11th floor with a queen size bed.When I opened the door I headed straight for the bed. I was so tired I just went straight to sleep. I didn't even unpack or shower. I was jet lagged.

I woke up at 5pm. I didn’t sleep on the plane at all, I can never sleep on planes. I unpacked my luggages. I only brought along some casual clothes like jeans, shorts and shirts. I didn't bring big jackets because I know it would be spring in Korea so it wouldn't be cold enough for the big jackets. I did bring some light jumpers just in case it might get a little chilli at night. I had a shower then went to Avenuel, a shopping centre right next to my hotel to eat. The restaurants were on the 9th floor, there are 10 floors in the shopping centre. Here you can find all the high end brands like Chanel and Louis Vuitton. There are huge cinemas on the 6th to the 8th floor gallery and restaurants on the 9th floor, skin care salons on the 10th floor and the rest are just clothes, shoes, bags and jewellery stores. I just ate then went back to the hotel. I still felt a bit tired and lazy so I didn’t go anywhere.


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