Last day in Korea and slow boat to China ㅜㅜ

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March 2nd 2013
Published: March 5th 2013
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Boat to China

It's March 2nd 2013 and it's my last day in the country that has been my home for the past 3 years. Korea we have had some good day, bad day and God damn strange days hahahaha. So today I am going to the boat to China and the lovely Anna has been invaluable in helping me get my ticket for the boat and also lodge a cheque my landlady gave me. What was she thinking oh Korea ^^. So anyway I was leaving the apartment when the landlady wanted to get more money out of me because I didn't have Dave's key. He forgot to leave it and so he gave it to his "Friend" hahahaha. So there was a little argument but I gave her some seaweed (that she gave us a few months earlier and we didn't eat hahahaha) and rice. She left not very happy but she was ok. I then descended down my Everest. I will not miss that hill to my apartment anyone who came to the apartment knows what I am talking about. So I go to Yongsan station to get the subway. I was a little apprehensive about this boat journey as people were telling me horror stories. So I get to the dock Anna does her thing and get me a Royal class cabin at a discounted price RESULT. So I go to check in my bag and the feeling that I was leaving was sinking in more and more and I was getting sadder and sadder. I didn't have much time so I went to a little restaurant with Anna and we had 만두국 (dumpling soup) and 순두부찌개 (spicy tofu stew). It was ok the free sides were better hahahaha. So we finished and went to buy some water and stuff for the journey and then the penny dropped I was leaving and now feeling really sad. Anna and I had our final goodbye before I left. I was fighting the urge not to leave. I didn't know why I was leaving but I did leave. I was a sad time. I was waiting for the bus to take us to the boat and it was difficult. I boarded the boat and went to my room. To my surprise it was really big and it was all mine two bed, couch and a bathroom with a bath. I lay down and sent a few messages and passed out with the gentle rocking of the boat.

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