Last Day in Korea

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Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Itaewon
May 9th 2010
Published: May 12th 2010
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Last day... woke up kinda late, sleeping in is gooooooood! especially since I didn't get back until 3:45am from the DJ festival. Which was fun!

I spent the day packing, spending time with my favorite aunt shopping and then boat ride along the river in Seoul. I got 2 pairs of shoes and a shirt while shopping with my aunt. I got a smoking deal on the shoes, 2 pairs for less that $20... awesome. I paid a lot for the shirt, but I really liked it.

The boat ride was last minute. My mom called while my aunt and I were on out way back to my Aunt's house. I wasn't done packing but decided to go anyway. It was nice to see Seoul from the River and there was a fountain show off of one of the many bridges that connect the north and south sides of Seoul.

My mom's cousin, who is my 2nd cousin (?), EunKi drove so we went to Itaewon and ate dinner. I also had him take my partially packed randomly thrown in suitcase back to my mom's aunt's house where I would be sleeping my last night in Korea. I finished packing and took a cab to where my mom was and finished packing there. I didn't get to sleep until after 1am which sucked since I got up at 5:30am to get to the airport.

EunKi drove us to the local bus station where we caught a Limousine buss to the airport. He had to get to school so he couldn't give us a lift all the way there. On the way to the bus station, my mom realized she forgot her overnight bag and had to go back which tacked on an extra 10 mins to a 5 minute ride to the bus stop... Oi, so we get back to the bus stop and we just barely miss the bus... Grrrr... Luckily they run every 15 minutes or so.

One this is for sure, Seoul has an awesome public transport system.

Mom and I ate breakfast at the airport and I left for Thailand on 5/10/10


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