Merry Chrstmas, Happy New Year, and Long Time No See.

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January 9th 2013
Published: January 9th 2013
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My TreeMy TreeMy Tree

Thanks Tine and Mike for the Tree! My kids loved it. :)
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Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!

My class with Santa Claus.
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I'm back and I'm alive. I apologize for my absence. With the combination of being busy, the Christmas holiday, my vacation trip to Japan and some laziness I’ve neglected my blog here. But I hope to rectify it somewhat today. Haha. I will write at least two blogs because I have a few different things to talk about.

First things first… Christmas here, as you can imagine, isn’t as great when you are half way around the world. But none the less it was a decent time. In Korea the idea of Santa Claus isn’t too widely celebrated. Seeing that I teach 7 year olds I went out of my way to strengthen or convince my kids that Santa Claus is real. Haha. And it was thoroughly enjoyable. For the entire month of December I preached how Santa watches over us and then decides if we get a present from him or not. So needless to say, the month of December I had my class making sure they were being nice for Santa. Haha.

On the last day of school before Christmas, I bought all sorts of stationary things for my kids. I wrapped them and placed them under a Christmas tree that my awesome cousin Christine and her hubby Mike sent me in the mail. They rock! So, I set up my classroom very early before my kids get there. I put their presents under the little tree and wrote a big note on the board from Santa. I then made it a point to be a little late to class so there would be no mistaking me for Santa. When I walked in the classroom my kids were all pumped and they were yell that Santa had come to the classroom. It was funny.

Later in the morning one of the teachers dressed up in a Santa suit and gave the kids bigger presents that their parents had sent into school. Each present had a little message about how they could be better in the upcoming year. I was pretty funny seeing their faces when the realized “Santa knows!” Haha… It was really cute.

Once the day was finished I was set to begin my 9 day vacation!


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