Cameron Highland aftermath

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July 28th 2008
Published: July 28th 2008
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I've always wanted to go to Cameron Highland. The land of strawberry! Strawberry farm where you can self pick your berries, strawberry pillow, umbrella, souvenir items, desert shop and many more! It's like a strawberry land or something! And everyone who goes there sort of went into a strawberry trance! Remi for example bought like 20 boxes of strawberries! I didn't get any because I thought it tasted a bit sour :p I did bought some dried strawberries though, initially thinking of bringing it to the office but I wallop it all at the end haha. Opps!

It was a trip planned about a month ago. And I am so glad that I dragged myself up the highland even though I just came back from Thailand 3 days before. I didn't know what to expect initially except for the chilly weather. But it turns out, Cameron offered more than what I bargain for! Tanah Rata has only like few rolls of shop lots but it has everything! From banks, to fancy restaurant, mamak stalls, massage center to STAR freaking BUCKS! With wireless access!! Not forgetting the morning and night market to roam about for fresh and cheap veggies! As well as the touristy thing to do like visiting the Rose Valley, Cactus Farm, Bee Farm, Tea Plantation and many more!

I totally ♥ Cameron Highland!

More photos at smugmug - >

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6th August 2008

your photography is ....WOWWW!!!!!

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