48 hours in Cameron Highlands

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August 3rd 2012
Published: August 5th 2012
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We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. — Jawaharal Nehru

Cameron Highlandshas always been a romantic place for me. Chilly with temperature less than 25’C during the day and as low as 12’C during the night, I could picture myself spending a month up here doing nothing but drinking hot black tea the whole day with a book and my Mac to keep me company.

The ride up to Cameron Highlands from Kuala Lumpur took about 4 hours. Instead of taking the route from Tapah, my parents and I drove all the way up North and exited the expressway at Simpang Pulai to Cameron Highlands because road condition were better than Route 59 from Tapah. Driving up to the highlands on a long and winding road with vegetable trucks driving down from the highlands couldn't have been a breezy affair.

It’s great to be back in Cameron Highlands after 4 long years. The weather is not as chilly as I can remember from 4 years ago. Believe it or not, I had no problem walking around with my t-shirt, shorts, converse shoes and a scarf in day time without freezing myself.

Cameron Highlands is made up of 8 neighborhoods. The 3 townships are Ringlet, Tanah Rata and Brinchang. While the settlements are around Bertam Valley, Kea Farm, Tringkap, Kuala Terla and Kampung Raja. Being Tanah Rata and Brinchang the most popular towns of retreat for holiday makers, with abundant of hotels, guesthouses, resorts, restaurants, cades and souvenir and convenient stores.

We stayed at a family-run guesthouse called The Caremonian Inn at Tanah Rata. Rooms are pretty basic with private bathroom but what I like most is the spacious garden to laze around in early mornings and afternoons with a hot cup of tea. Not to mention that it's a stone throw away from the main street at Tanah Rata full of cafes, restaurants, convenient stores, banks, clinic and massage parlours!

Caremonian Inn

A visit to the lush tea plantation, strawberries farm, rose gardens, farmer’s market, bee farm, butterfly garden and cactus valley were some of the activities that I have planned with mom and dad.

After our lunch at a Chinese Restaurant at Tanah Rata, we made our way to Kok Lim Strawberries Farm to pluck some strawberries. We were greeted by a friendly Burmese worker who showed us the biggest, the juiciest and the sweetest strawberries. Mom got so excited with strawberries plucking and ended up plucking 900gram worth of giant strawberries.

Giant Strawberries at Kok Lim Strawberries Farm. Actually, it's just camera trick!

A vegan's haven, Kea Farm Market is a must-visit for veggie lovers. My jaw dropped when I came across vendors selling 10 packets of vegetables of any choice for only RM10! From cherrie tomatoes to long beans, capsicum, cabbage, cauliflower and many more! I couldn't help thinking that with only RM500 a month, I can live like a queen in Cameron Highlands!

Kea Farm Market

Corn lover like me would go berserk with Cameron's sweet corn. These corns can be eaten raw and it's oh-so-sweet! At Kea Farm Market, it's selling for only RM10 (for 14 corns). A far cry from the ones sold at super market in Kuala Lumpur. With at least RM3 per corn.

If you think that Cactus are thorny and ugly, then a visit to Cactus Valley is a must! It's looks as though Picasso has waved it's magic brush and had the cactus turned into such beautiful work of art!

Beautiful cactus at Cactus Valley

A visit to Cameron Highland would not be complete without a visit to the tea plantation.

On our way down from Tanah Rata this morning, we made a stop at Bharat Tea Plantation. Perfect way to end our 48 hours in Cameron highland.

Bharat Tea Plantation

Tea leaves at Bharat Tea Plantation


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