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Asia » Indonesia » Java » Yogyakarta
February 4th 2008
Published: August 5th 2008
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One of the things I love about Jogja is that everyone is an early riser! The local usually gets up at 5am or Subuh Prayer. By 6am breakfast stalls were full of patrons. And the best part is that the sun rises at 5.30am! Which means we get to do so much more in a day! I totally love it! Since I am an early riser myself hehe...

I got up at 5am today and by 6am I was already looming at the streets with the locals and having breakfast at McDonalds! (a short note on Jogja's McD...their ayam goreng taste much better than our Spicy KFC! A MUST try!)

After breakfast, I walked my way to the Kraton (city palace) to catch the Gamelan and Classical Dance performance. The 2km walk was extremely annoying. With becak driver calling out every few meters if I want a ride to the Kraton :s

Even though I had with me the map from Lonely Planet, I seriously had no idea where I was walking to because it can get quite confusing walking in Jogja. (although LP claimed that Jogja is a manageable city by foot!) With some help from the locals, I finally arrived at Alun-alun ('tanah lapang' /spacious land.) where the locals indulged in merry-go-rounds and amusement rides. And since its still an hour before the Kraton is opened to public, I plunged myself at a roadside warung for a cup of hot coffee and casual conversation with the lady boss :P

merah putih terus lah kau berkibar... di hujung tiang tertinggi..
di Indonesia ku ini...

The Kraton is a huge palace of the Sultans in Jogja and a small walled city within the city where 25000 people lived within the Kraton compound.

Much to see in the Kraton museum, where most of the exhibits were dedicated to the beloved Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX.

The beloved Sultan of Jogja

After a good few hours in the Kraton, watching Gamelan and Classical Dance performances, I headed to Pasar Beringharjo for batik SHOPPING! It's fun shopping in Jogja because you'll be spoiled for choices! But be prepared to bargain real hard. Most of the batik products are marked up at least 50-70%!

Elegant ladies of Jogja watching the classical dance performances.

Tired and exhausted from the morning walk and batik shopping, the rest of the afternoon was spend chatting with Katot and and teasing Bedhot ;p

How true is the saying 'Never judge a book by it's cover'. If this 38 year old lad were to walk on the streets of KL, many would have mistaken him for a mat rock or mat rempit - with his long wavy hair and skinny build. Who would have thought that this aspiring young artist has held numerous art exhibition in Indonesia and Germany? 😊

Bedhot is a talented artist and a great friend to many. A funny, low profile and humble man, destined to do great things in life!

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20th August 2008

travel guidebook
Hi there, I actually purchace a Yogyakarta guidebook from a4trip dot com. I t was really a helpful guidebook. Brief and clear. Maybe you could try it next time when you go travel.^^
23rd August 2008

travel guidebook
Hi! Yogya guidebook frm a4trips.com? That was written by me :) Glad you find it useful! hehe

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