Mount Bromo

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Asia » Indonesia » Java » Mount Bromo
December 27th 2008
Published: January 4th 2009
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The morning call was at 3.30am to catch the sunrise at Gunung Penajakan (2770m) with Bromo on the foreground and Mount Semeru puffing black smock at the background.

There were at least close to 70 jeeps racing to the Penajakan II viewpoint. As there were too many jeeps, some had to park at the road side and we had to walk to the submit. It was a tiring 30 minutes uphill walk with fairly steep trail. Some visitors choose to be ferried by ojeks. There were times when I felt like giving up because I have not fully recover from the sickness that I had a few days ago, I couldn’t breath and my knees were shaking so badly when I finally reach the submit.

The view from the submit was breathtaking albeit the amount of tourist each fighting for a spot for the perfect sun rise shot. For a moment, I actually felt quite relieve that I don’t have my DSLR with me, without any pressure to capture the perfect sunrise shot I was then able to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation.

After we decent from Gunung Penanjakan, we were driven to the crater wall of Bromo where we crossed the 3km Sand Sea to the sloped of Mount Bromo by foot. Again, there were times when I felt like giving up because the dust and the smell of horse shit was too overpowering for my weak lungs…the climb up to the to the Bromo crater (253 steps) was not a breeze either. I wonder, at that point in time if I was getting old.

When I finally reach the rim of the crater, the sulfuric smell that emit from the crater nearly suffocate me. 5 minutes later, I was already on my way down and couldn’t wait to get away from Mount Bromo.

I supposed…that if I wasn’t feeling sick and had my camera with me, I would have enjoyed Bromo. The landscape was amazing, with ‘flower men’ and their horses ferrying tourist from the Sand Sea to the slopes of Bromo.

Perhaps, I’ll pay Mount Bromo another visit in June/Jul. When the weather is more promising.

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13th January 2010

mount bromo
i cant believe mount bromo volcano erupted and killed 91 people i never want to see this mount and i cant beileive it omg
5th February 2010

I am Bob!
27th April 2010

5th October 2010

thats so cool
15th November 2010

i dont care..this is for SCHOOL!!
8th December 2010

mount bromo

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