Chandipur Sea Beach ? a Nostalgic Memory

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March 26th 2017
Published: March 26th 2017
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"Chandipur" on a Sea a #nostalgic Memory..."

"Chandipur" sea beach is unique for its uniqueness in many ways. During low tide the sea recedes so much that one can walk up to 3 to 4 kms in to the sea ? with just knee deep water .

I remember my own childhood days of picnic trips to Chandipur during Sunday's with friends . I was in mid school level if I am not wrong & used to go there with bundles of firewood and all utensils tied to each one's cycle ? . I used to ask my Mother how to cook Rice and Red meat ! And as described by her the method I used to jot down on paper and she was my first Guru to pamper and inspire me for enjoying my holidays with friends.

There were no such concrete stairs to sit by the beach side in those days . Only tall casuarina plants were there in plenty on the entire sea shore with lot of shaded areas to cook and play.

I will say I have never seen any sea beach as beautiful as Chandipur not because of Tides but because of it's a dry Beauty .

People mostly from nearby state West Bengal are frequent visitors to this tranquil sea shore to spend short weekends.

Early morning the tourists walk into the sea and as day light begins to come they start returning to the shore depending upon high and low tides.

The beauty of this beach is except for Winter holidays and New Years time it's always so tranquil to enjoy with friends and family.

Govt of Odisha has over the years developed the place and there are a number of cement benches to sit and enjoy the sea shore , Sun rise and Sun set.There is one OTDC Hotel facing the sea shore.

This cute boy agreed to pose for me with a cute smile on his lips.There are a lot of Hotels and Resorts near by to accommodate heavy rush during winter and vacation rush days .

May be I am a born #beachboy....just kidding.

I love "Chandipur on sea"the most and it's only about 10 km away from Balasore (my home ?) which is well connected by trains ? from Bhubaneswar the capital of Odisha and Kolkata in West Bengal.

I wish my friends who love tranquil sea beaches should visit for awesome landscape shots and spend moments with nature.

Author :Siba

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