Delightful Delhi

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March 17th 2024
Published: March 17th 2024
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I’m writing this post while flying from Delhi to Udaipur to enjoy the next city on our whistle stop tour. Most similar tours of Northern India either start or finish in Udaipur so we’re skipping a long drive and flying with a domestic airline called IndiGo. So far so good.

Although I got in trouble going through security for not taking the right items out of my bag!! In typical Indian style, everything took an interminable amount of time. I can only assume their systems and processes are very complicated because everything seems to take at least three times longer than the equivalent activity at home, like checking in and out of a hotel, checking into a flight, etc. But it’s all part of the experience of travel so I’m unfussed and definitely not stressed about it. It’s not like I’m in a hurry!!

Our two days of sightseeing in Delhi were great. It’s a huge city and like so many huge cities it takes a long time to get anywhere. It’s messy, smelly, fascinating, noisy, colourful, busy, ugly, beautiful and more, all at the same time.

The contrasts fascinate me the most! Right alongside each other you see beggars, cows, beautifully dressed women, stray dogs, rubbish dumps (full of plastic), rickshaws, temples, beautifully-tended flower beds, and tourists!!

While in Delhi we visited a Sikh temple, a Hindu temple called Akshardham, a mosque called Jama Masjid and the resting place of the amazing Mahatma Ghandi. All were interesting and reverent in their own way.

But my highlight in Old Delhi was the rickshaw ride which was so much fun.

Rickshaws come in two kinds - petrol powered and pedal powered. We went with the latter and our driver had to work hard to drag mum and me along. It was a little hair raising at times but mostly fun and it’s a fabulous way to feel Iike you’re part of the street happenings. The potholes weren’t so great but our driver did his best to avoid them.

As well as the structured activities of our tour we’re also enjoying getting to know our fellow travellers. There are 16 of us so it’s taking a few days for us to get to know each other but I’m keen to have a meaningful chat with everyone before this is over.

The resting place of Mahatma Ghandi was also impressive. He was such an amazing man and it is so tragic that his life was cut short, but his memorial is peaceful and serene befitting such an inspiring human.

Additional photos below
Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


18th March 2024

you’re going to find the northern beaches pretty ordinary after this Joan. Loving your story
21st March 2024

Thanks for your update. Glad you used the word "smelly" it is exactly how I felt when I first landed in "old" Bombay. Till today some 40 years later I still can smell the same smell, Hence I bypass India. How is the smog? I don't recall Paul having problems with stuff, but he said he was taking as little as possible, easier for boys. Waiting on photos of the Himalayas, I know you will take some good ones. Safe journey.

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