Dhaka- Bangladesh x

Bangladesh's flag
Asia » Bangladesh » Dhaka » Dhaka
June 10th 2008
Published: June 14th 2008
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Hi all,

I swapped onto this flight. Its not a very popular one and after doing it I cant really see why- yes it is busy and hard as most travelling dont speak English but all the passengers are lovely x

I was unsure as what there was to see/do in Dhaka as most crew tell you that its the best places to buy copied dvds but I was looking for a bit more than that!!!!

I had heard of an orphanage you could visit and had come armed with crayons, pencils and drawing books hoping that some of the crew would join me. I enquired at the reception, who organised me a taxi and also got 3 other crew to join me!!!!!

The journey was amazing to see- the roads were muddy dirt tracks with giant holes filled with water with buses and rickshaws (the bike and carriage type local transport things) venturing up and down them!!!! People walking with no shoes on, locals selling on the sides of the streets, babies with no clothes on............................ The buzz of the streets were amazing and the womens clothing was bright and colourful- beautiful................

It turns out we were taken to The Dhaka Project. This I had heard about but didnt know much about. Basically an Emirates Crew Member, Maria from Portugal went to visit the area we were when on a flight working so had 24hrs there like us. She saw the Slums people were living in and the school that was available for the local children and was so upset by how they were living- and wanted to do something about it. She set up the Dhaka Project in 2005. What she has done is unbelievable............ the children attend the school which now has 3 buildings, "creche" "primary" and "secondary". The children receive breakfast and lunch and now thanks to support of others they have received vacinations. They have also set up a learning programme for the parents of the children in sewing so they can then also earn a living. Seeing this was a real eye opener, seeing how people lived and what simple things we have makes their lives so so much better. The people helping an volenteering are such lovely and generous people. The school was on holidays but the creche was open and we met so many of the students in the streets (as the school is in the slums) and they are so beautiful and welcoming. They loved seeing us and were over welmed by their faces being on the digital cameras. I would love to go over an volenteer and its something I am seriously thinking about.

For any of you who want to read more about the Dhaka Project or contribute please have a look on the website (it tells you far more than I ever could!!!) www.thedhakaproject.org

This trip truely opened my eyes and saw how even by just giving a little, how much this can help!!!

Why do we complain about such stupid things when there are people living like this??? The work Maria has done is truely amazing!!


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19th December 2008

Wonderful !
In one of my searches I found your page... You create touching awareness through showing the reality at TDP... and I couldn't go ahead without a comment. Nice Job! Arménio Pereira Volunteer with TDP
11th March 2011
Photo 1

Good student

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