Everything You Need To Know About Portable Solar Generators

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December 10th 2018
Published: December 10th 2018
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Electrical power is needed for everything these days and the demand is rapidly increasing. If you ever visit a place or face problems due to lack of electricity, you can think of portable chargers and generators, the savior. In the U.S and in other countries solar power is gaining high popularity. Due to technological advancements, solar plants can be used at homes and on the go. Now, there are various types and models of solar generators available in the market.

What are solar generators?

Portable Solar generators arrest the energy from the sun with the help of solar panels, there is a battery bank to store the energy. All the energy is released via an inverter and used for normal AC power. This is how a solar generator functions. It’s a solid electronic box that mainly has three components namely batteries, charge controller and inverter. You need to buy the solar panels separately and this device is fully battery powered. It is possible to charge the batteries using solar panels, car charger or a wall outlet. Now, this electronic device can give power to an array of other devices like laptops, smartphones, refrigerator, radio, lights etc.

How does a solar generator function?

There is a process known as the photovoltaic effect that helps to add power to the generators. During the procedure, photon energy released from the sun gets into the panels. This causes the electrons to get dislocated from their atomic orbit. Am electrical power is created due to this and its sent to the device. Now, it acts as a source of power when the battery gets charged with electricity.

Solar generators and camping

As the summer season sets in, its time to plan camping trips but one very big challenge lies in the electric supply. There are so many sites and mainly national Parks that do not have an electric supply. This is when a portable solar generator acts as a savior. It’s easy to carry and there will be no interruption when you are enjoying your time outdoors. These do not emit any harmful gas or noise like the gas ones. You have the sun that helps to recharge the generators, ideal for long distance trips.

What to look for when shopping for solar generators for camping?

When it comes to choosing, there are plenty of them but you can definitely narrow your choices by considering these key factors:

•Battery capacity – This is one of the most important aspects of choosing a device. Greater battery capacity would help the device to last longer, therefore battery capacity is important.

•Portability – How would you carry the generator to the camping site if it’s not portable? The portable ones are very compact, usually square in shape, stackable; they have handles and wheels for better portability.

•Inverter rating – Inverters are responsible for converting the DC power from solar panels to AC power for the usual plug-in devices. This is one very tricky thing because the wattage gets limited in this case. A low rating generator won’t allow you to power the appliances and devices that need high wattage.

•Few added features - Generators usually have the basic features but some are equipped with a few excess ones. So, take a look at all the features before you plan to invest.

Must have solar generator kits

These kits are great as they help to do away with the problem of buying every accessory individually. All of it comes in one single package when you buy kits, therefore it’s convenient and you get all the components manufactured by the same company. This ensures that you have optimized and compatible panels for your device. You also have a charge controller so that your battery does not get overcharged.

When are you getting one?

There are some reputed manufacturers and there are some companies as well that help you to buy the one that suits your specific camping requirements. There are certain websites that give a detailed comparison of the Top 5 or Top 10 solar generators. This makes it easy for you to gather knowledge, do a comparative study, look into the specifications, know the pricing and choose the one you need. Please Click here to know about the specifics of the solar generators and know about the top models available in the market. You can also get in touch via email with your queries about solar generators, there are consultants who help you choose the right one.


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