Antarctica cruise

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Antarctica » Antarctica » Brown Station
February 22nd 2022
Published: April 14th 2022
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Tuesday. We were rousted from our sleep a little after 5:00 a.m. at the campsite where we had slept onshore. When I pulled my boots on (they had been outside the tent overnight) and stood up, my back went out. It was so painful I could barely walk but I managed to help break the tent down and repack it. Back on board I immediately took a couple of ibuprofen. A special breakfast had been prepared for us campers which included a mixed fish plate and Prosecco. Nathan kindly got a cold pack from a crew member and I iced my back before going to bed. We were awakened around 10:00 a.m. by an announcement that there were orcas nearby, but by the time we’d dressed and gone up to the deck, they were long gone. After lunch I took a couple more ibuprofen, walked around the deck for a while and did a lot of stretching so that I could join the shore excursion. We anchored in Paradise Harbor on the Antarctic Peninsula. Nearby was Ardvord Bay.

I was glad that our group, the Wandering Albatrosses, had a late shore excursion (4:30 p.m.) because it gave me more time to recover. We landed at Brown Station, an Argentine research station, named for Admiale Brown, an Irishman who emigrated to Argentina. A colony of gentoo penguins lives among the buildings. Our path led us between two buildings and through the colony. A few of the females had young chicks standing on their feet, two had twins, one was feeding a chick from her throat. A couple of snowy sheathbills were there also and an albino gentoo. We had to sometimes stop and wait while penguins crossed by. A path up the hillside through the snow had been laid down by all the hikers before us. It led to a wonderful viewpoint. Higher up was a place to slide down the snow on one’s back. Nathan did it and was loudly hooting all the way down to the amusement of all. I was afraid of further injuring my back so didn’t participate. We spent a lot of time ashore.

At dinner through the window I saw a whale spout , then the back appeared. I pointed and yelled “whale!” Nathan got up and ran to the window and a table of Germans followed suit. The whale was under at that point and one of the Germans said “were you joking?” Then when it reappeared they thanked me for sharing.

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Photos: 31, Displayed: 23


15th April 2022
albino gentoo penguin chick

Nothing cuter
Baby penguins
15th April 2022

So sorry about the incident with your back...
Praying you are fully recovered. and were able to continue your trip without any further difficulties.

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