Oh what a day! 3 countries and 1 natural wonder

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Africa » Zimbabwe
August 15th 2019
Published: August 15th 2019
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It’s been a very long day but a wonderful one.
We flew out of TA last night and arrived in Johannesburg at 5:30am. Due to a cancelled connecting flight we needed to get our luggage and then recheck in for our 10:50am flight to Victoria Falls. During the wait we had coffee/smoothies/green chemical sodas at a cafe, perused the stores with all the gorgeous African paraphernalia, received our 20 kilo box of ready made food, frozen meat and biltong to feed us for the next 5 days, and then spent a long time rechecking in. We spent many hours on lines this past day+.
We flew to Zimbabwe where we waited on line again to receive a Visa. Chatted with a couple from Pennsylvania who was heading for the Bush on Safari (they showed us awesome photos of Gorillas from their trip to Uganda, and of penguins from Antarctica, real world travelers!).
We were greeted in the arrivals hall by a stuffed leopard, lion and other animals and then by a singing Zulu troop. Our hosts sent a driver to collect us and we rested for a short time before heading out to Victoria Falls. We wanted to see the lunar rainbow which occurs three nights a month during the full moon, but also get in some daylight sightseeing.
Well, we arrived at 5pm and were told they just closed. And will reopen at 7 for the lunar moonbow tour. What would we do until then? It was suggested we walk to the bridge that goes over the river and separates between Zimbabwe and Zambia. So, that’s what we did. It was a bit further than expected, there were some men trying to sell us stuff along the way, night creeped up on us (and we’ve been told not to walk the streets at night) but it was cool to cross over into another country. The view from the bridge was beautiful. The baboons and monkeys we saw were amusing.
We returned to the Falls with over 100 other sightseers. It was pitch black besides all the phone lights that were on to show the way. At one point it was as if it were raining (luckily we had rain ponchos). The Falls are stupendous. And that’s at night. We want to return to see them during the day. The moonbow was cool. Shaya was the only one able to get a photo with his phone. At one point I found myself walking alone on the path. I was surrounded by trees, could hear the roaring of the Falls but not see them, was wet from the spray, the smell was wonderful. I felt like I was in a rainforest. I wanted to bottle up that moment and save it forever.
Looking forward to finding out what tomorrow brings.

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Photos: 22, Displayed: 22


16th August 2019

Shabbat shalom
hi it smells like a different world enjoy my loves, miss u

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