24 hours party people!

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Africa » Western Sahara » South » Dakhla
July 7th 2008
Published: July 7th 2008
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sahara hitchikesahara hitchikesahara hitchike

I had to hitchhike 25kms to the beach. it was fun cause when cars where not passing Id start to jump on the dunes, yay!
Dakhla doesnt appear in this platform, big sourprise that is...

well, so the 24 hours bus was a piece of cake, as expected. I think by now I can sleep in any position, so a bus with air conditioning seemed pretty nice. just took my sheets and towell out and I was ready to roll. in the end it was more like 28 hours I think? although it was partly my fault? cause in every police control they checked me out (only white in the bus...). first three a cop bothere to come in and find me. last three the bus driver just told meto get off and do my thing, which consisted on saying

to dakhla
yeah spain rocks and won the eurocup!!

dakhla is wonwonwonderful. well, not really. the city is just this spot int he dessert where the king has decided to invest a shitload of ,oney to show who owns the west sahara. theres nothing like a medina or anything. but boy, the beaches nearby are beyond words. see the dessert dunes melting into water waves, with the only transition of some thousand of crabs moving around and seagulls turning into a
goat parkgoat parkgoat park

so yeah, I walked to the poor part of this crappy lil city, and see what a charming view!
bunch of kytesurfers. this place is gonna be big some day, next tarifa, next essaouira. if only they had alcohol... tomorrow cross the border to mauritania: 6 hours for 300Km...

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some morrocan young folk playing in the clearest water in the most desert place Ive seen

7th July 2008

sounds cool!!
acabas de enviarlo cuando estaba conectada! sounds a pretty tough trip..and cool too!! que guaym que "endivia" me das!! Hoy se lo he dicho a mi jefa, lo de UCSD, y no se lo ha tomado mal... saluditos desde Madrid Silvi
8th July 2008

muy bien tío, pero protesto!! a ver si escribimos más en spanish, ehh?? muahahaha!!

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