Last day in Bulembu

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April 25th 2018
Published: April 25th 2018
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Today was our last full day in Bulembu. I can’t believe it has gone so fast. We spent our morning helping the Royal Rangers set up camp. I can’t believe the work the leaders put in to prepare for a week with the kids. They are so blessed to have these leaders planning and preparing for them. They will have such a great time.

The afternoon was our last play day. We chose to do big team games instead of breaking into small groups. They had a great time. I’m glad we did it that way and both Nicole and I ended up with injuries and had to be cheerleaders. Nothing to serious and are feeling better but enough to side line us for the afternoon.

We had a special guest join us today. Our Heartland sister Janette Stone who is a missionary in Mozambique had to make a trip out to Nelspruit, South Africa. Michele and Melissa drove in to pick her up and brought her to spend the evening with her. It was great to catch up with her but also to share some Canadian love with her.

Before supper tonight we had our final debrief. The department managers came and we all shared challenges and blessing. Lots of laughs and lots of tears. I’m feeling so blessed to have been a part of this mission, with this team. Then after supper we were treated to a movie. The media team put a video together of our time here. So well done and a few more tears.

Bulembu is a magical place, full of joy. God is so amazing! We are all feeling so blessed to have this experience and being able to take a piece of Swaziland home in our heart.


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