Free day

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Africa » Swaziland » Bulembu
April 21st 2018
Published: April 23rd 2018
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So today was a free day built into schedule. We had a couple options but we all chose the hardest one. Climbing the highest peak in eSwatini called Emlembe. It took us just about 2 hours to the top. Our guide, Benjamin, was very gracious and allowed us to stop as needed. Fortunately, it was cool and socked in the cloud to help us not over heat. Unfortunately, it did not clear at the top but did start to clear on the way down so we could see valley after valley. It’s so gorgeous! Despite feeling a little inadequate from being passed in the way down but locals carrying large logs and wearing crocs, we all made it safely but will see how everyone is feeling tomorrow.

The afternoon was quiet and sunny. Cathie, Dean and I went to the museum to look around. Bulembu has quite a history and it’s very well done.

This evening we went up to Brendan and Melissa’s for supper. They are a couple from my church who a living here for a year. It was a wonderful night away from the lodge. They have a beautiful home with beautiful views. We ate and laughed. Brendan played guitar and we worshiped around the fire together. So beautiful! Played a rousing game of catch phrase before heading back to the lodge.

The star filled sky tonight was so clear and the moon so bright. Feeling blessed!!


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