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Africa » Namibia » Etosha National Park
August 31st 2010
Published: September 29th 2010
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From Windhoek we team up with an Israeli couple, H and A, and head north to Etosha National Park, Namibia's big safari hotspot. Way back before my journey down Africa started I promised myself that there would be no expensive safaris along the way as they would rapidly leech the life out of my bank balance. However, Etosha is irresistibly cheap; the combination of five people in the car actually making this far from a financial splurge. In two days I spend $75 on everything - car hire, fuel, park entry, camping and food. Bargain! Also, as the only one registered to the car, H does all the driving. Bigger bargain!

Now, I could easily be tempted into many a tautological paroxysm of adverbs about just how unfathomably, fabulously, fantastically, magnificently, magically, monumentally, insanely, impossibly, incredibly awesome it is to have the largest living land mammal standing within five metres of you casually chewing on thorny bushes whilst being so close that you can count every minute wrinkle on its saggy skinned rump. But I know all anybody wants from a blog about a safari is lots of pretty pictures. So here's a bumper edition for you. Just don't expect me to come up with names for them all! Enjoy.

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Photos: 63, Displayed: 22


30th September 2010
Photo 12

stunning photo
30th September 2010

Absolutely amazing Photos!
Absolutely Amazing Photos Christopher, the first one caught my eye and looked straight out of the 70's documentary, "Animals are Beautiful People" which I remember well from my childhood, and sure enough it's in the Namib Desert. It's amazing how such a dry place can support such vast quantities of big animals, shows you what happens without human interference.

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